Embassy of Israel Opens Its Permanent Offices
Embassy of Israel Opens Its Permanent Offices
Today, in the presence of Deputy Speaker of the House Mr Lindsay Tisch, members of MFAT and members of the Wellington Jewish community, the permanent office of the Embassy of Israel was officially opened in accordance with the Jewish tradition of the Mezuzah placing ceremony.

Rabbi David Alima and Ambassador Shemi Tzur
Rabbi David Alima from the Orthodox Synagogue in Wellington affixed the Mezuzah (a piece of parchment, often contained in a decorative case, inscribed with specified Hebrew verses from the Torah) to the doorpost and blessed the Embassy. Mrs Donas and Colonel (RTD) Bill Nathan added a New Zealand component to the ceremony by blessing the Embassy with a Maori prayer.
As from now the Embassy is able to provide full consular services is open to the public Monday – Friday, from 09.30 until 12.30 for all passport and visa matters. Hopefully by the end of this year we will also able to issue the ‘Working Holiday Visa’. The scheme was signed between our two countries earlier this year and entitles Israeli and New Zealand citizens between the ages of 18-30 to work and live in the other’s respective countries for up to 12 months.

Mr Lindsay Tisch MP, Ambassador Shemi Tzur, Mr David Robinson MP
The Embassy’s Trade and Economic division, headed by Mr David Cohen will promote trade and investment between New Zealand and Israel. The division will also act as a clearinghouse for information on trade, arranging promotional activities and working with visiting delegations to and from Israel.
The public affairs and cultural division, headed by Mrs Patricia Deen is the main point of contact for all press and media enquiries. It is also responsible for the promotion of Israeli culture in New Zealand and is available for any and all information about Israel.
Our new contact details are as follow:
Physical Address: Level 13, Bayleys Building, 36 Brandon Street, Wellington
PO Box 25485
Panama Street