Te Tai Tonga Poll a Tohu for Maori Party
Te Tai Tonga Poll a Tohu for Maori Party
Ken Mair; Co Vice-President of the Maori Party
22 November 2011
Ken Mair, Co Vice-President of the Maori Party, is pleased with the results issued by Te Karere (TVNZ) yesterday, revealing that Maori Party MP for Te Tai Tonga, Rahui Katene has established a comfortable lead in retaining the electorate seat.
"It's always difficult for mainstream media outlets to accurately gauge the mood in the Maori electorate seats, but the TVNZ Digipoll, which surveys the views of Maori roll voters provides a strong insight as to voting preferences" said Mr Mair.
"Our own tracking has consistently shown Rahui to be leading, so it was quite some surprise when some commentators had other candidates coming through".
Mr Mair also had some good news to share about two of the other Maori electorate seats.
"Our polling indicates that we could easily take back Te Tai Tokerau and gain the Ikaroa Rawhiti seat, if we continue to experience the momentum we have seen in those areas" said Mr Mair. "We have always had a 'seven-seat strategy' so we are rapt about the polling we've done pointing in that direction".
"Waihoroi has uncovered a groundswell of support of Maori Party voters who believe in the fundamental importance of a kaupapa-driven movement. The hui he has attended has reinforced that the contest must be a contest of ideas not just a match on personality alone. The Maori Party with its constant focus on what is good for whanau will be good for the nation, is resonating well with the people of the North".
"Over in Ikaroa Rawhiti the responses that Na Raihania, is receiving, tell us that the electorate is in the mood for a change - a change to the Maori Party. Na is a young man with incredible energy and a passionate commitment to making a difference for his people. The people of Ikaroa Rawhiti are comforted that Mr Horomia will come through on the list, but for the electorate vote this time they are looking forward to the new energy of Na Raihania".
"And in Hauraki Waikato, we are just so pleased to see that Bruce Mataki is making up the ground in the contest to win that seat. Bruce brings a new focus to the electorate, with his experience of business success and entrepreneurial initiative".
"The people have told us they want a party that invests in hope and delivers on expectations. They want a party that can do the work, and achieve the influence we need, to really make a difference. The Maori Party is that party".
"Election 2011 is shaping up to be a
fantastic contest across the seven Maori electorate seats.
Roll on Rahoroi!
Authorised by Fiona Rore, 4 Nikau Place, Murupara