Occupy Auckland members issued trespass notice from Council

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Image via Occupy Auckland on Facebook
28 November 2011
Occupy Auckland members issued trespass notice from Auckland Council
Occupy Auckland has been issued a trespass notice from Auckland Council CEO Douglas McKay requiring members of Occupy Auckland to forthwith leave and stay away from Aotea Square.
Occupy Auckland occupant, Joshua Brucker, believes this action by Auckland Council as “wholly inappropriate”.
Occupy Auckland Spokesperson Chris Glen, is of the same view. “This provocative action taken by the Council is in direct contradiction with the understood position of Mayor Len Brown. At our latest liaison meeting Len vehemently stated that no immediate action would be taken against the lawful protest action in Aotea Square while discussions were ongoing”.
“Occupy Auckland had been in constant communication and negotiation with Auckland Council. It was only just last Friday that Occupy Auckland representatives met with the Mayoral Office of the Council”.
Included below is an email from Auckland Council Liaison Officer, Natalie Verdouw, to Occupy Auckland, 26 November 2011, as a follow-up to the Friday 26th meeting between Occupy Auckland representatives and the Mayor’s office.
Occupy Auckland was in the process of forming a response to the requests from the Mayoral Office when the trespass notice was issued.
Please see below the contents of the email sent
yesterday after our meeting with the
This email confirms the discussions
held Friday 25 November 2011 between the Mayor and others
and Occupy Auckland.
The Mayor requests the following:
• that Aotea Square be returned to all
the people of Auckland for their use and
• that Occupy Auckland provide a date
of departure from Aotea Square and for that date to be in
the very near future i.e. within 2 weeks.
• that
Occupy Auckland agree a small group of representative
members with the authority to discuss and negotiate on
behalf of the wider group and make decisions in response to
those discussions and negotiations
• that Occupy
Auckland consider these matters at the General Assembly
meetings over the weekend and provide him with a response on
Monday 28 November 2011.
The Mayor has heard
the voice of the people of Occupy Auckland and the worldwide
action the occupation movement has taken and has offered
action from Auckland Council in support of the broad issues
raised by the occupation.
The Mayor is
prepared to consider an alternative location on at least the
same terms as previously offered by Auckland Council for the
occupation should Aotea Square be returned as
Kind regards,
Manager Risk and Assurance
Auckland Council
Liaison Officer - Occupy