Ports of Auckland to keep trucks running during strike
21 December 2011
Port to keep trucks running during strike
Ports of Auckland’s Fergusson container terminal will remain open during this weekend’s strike, with trucks able to pick up and drop off containers between 7 am and 6 pm on Friday 23 December.
This is a new step for the company and a marked difference to previous strikes, during which all road services were closed.
Staff on individual employment agreements, managers and supervisors will run the 11 hour shift.
“We’re going the extra mile to keep the trucks running,” said Ports of Auckland Chief Executive Tony Gibson.
“Given KiwiRail’s planned network shutdown for electrification works, we felt it was particularly important to keep the Fergusson truck gate open.”
“We have had a very positive reaction from trucking companies, exporters and importers to the decision to stay open. We’re also keeping Friday 23 December as a demurrage (storage) free day, which should provide some relief to hard-pressed local businesses.”
“We are determined to do everything we can to minimise the impact of the union’s strike action on consumers and the business community,” Mr Gibson said.
Mr Gibson said five ships would still be affected by the strike with the company facing a revenue loss of $500,000. The value of the trade disrupted by the stoppage is $260m.
Ports of Auckland’s on-dock empty container depot, multi-cargo wharves, cruise business, vehicle import trade, marine services, Onehunga seaport, Wiri Inland Port and Seafuels barge Awanuia are not affected by the proposed strike, and will also remain open.