Women’s Refuge says we need more Owen Glenn’s in Society
Tuesday 17th July, 2012 Media
Women’s Refuge says we need more Owen Glenn’s in Society
Women’s Refuge Chief Executive praised the announcement today of Owen Glenn’s commitment to fight domestic violence and child abuse.
“We are aware that this funding is targeted at projects in Otara in all kinds of ways to create a better environment for families, with some of the funds going to a local refuge in a project to include work with male perpetrators,” she says.
In this, our Annual Appeal week we hope New Zealanders who see a headline $8m for domestic violence, will still keep donating to us because Owen’s plan is great but our work is still ongoing and nationwide,” she says. “It is almost ironic that this happens in a week where our volunteers and workers are standing on street corners asking for money – the day we won’t have to do that will be great!”
Ms Henare agreed with Glenn’s suggestion of a Commission of Inquiry. “Another important thing that needs to be done is an investigation into the economic cost of domestic violence and child abuse. This might direct government funds as well as the generous philanthropic gesture of people like Mr Glenn in the right places,” she says.
Ms Henare said a 1996 report by Suzanne Snively estimated the cost of Domestic Violence to be between 1.2 – 5.8 billion dollars each year. “In today’s terms that would be around 8 billion per year,” she said. “If the number of women and children dying is not enough to push for greater reform, then maybe a ghastly balance sheet will be.”
“Mr Glenn, by providing $8m as a pilot to target family violence and child abuse in Otara is really putting his money where his mouth is and we welcome any chance to work with him and others on a vision of a safer society,” she says.