Maritime New Zealand consulting on changes to fees
DATE: 9 October 2012 TIME:
New Zealand consulting on changes to fees, levies
Maritime New Zealand (MNZ) has released for public consultation proposed changes to fees and levies, following a funding review of the organisation.
Public feedback closes on 19 November 2012. Papers outlining the proposals, and how to make a submission, are available at or on request from MNZ.
The need for a funding review was a key issue identified by a 2010 value for money review of MNZ. That review found the organisation delivered value for money – although there were opportunities for improvement, including the need for clearer and more sustainable funding arrangements.
“Thanks to the funding review, the organisation now has a more detailed and accurate picture of how much each function costs, and who should pay for each and how,” says MNZ Director Keith Manch.
“It has enabled us to look at options to put in place robust and sustainable funding arrangements that will balance the range of maritime community interests and ensure that the organisation is funded to deliver on its responsibilities into the future.”
Maritime sector representatives have provided information and advice during the review as part of a sector reference group. Their perspectives have made a valuable contribution to the review.
After submissions have been analysed – and any changes made as a result of those submissions – MNZ will finalise its recommendations to government for changes to fees and the levy. Following Ministerial and Cabinet consideration, any changes that are agreed will be given effect by amendments to regulations made under the Maritime Transport Act.
MNZ will undertake a further review of fee and levy rates within three years of new regulations coming into force – or earlier, if the tracking of costs suggests that this is needed.