Violent men should be the ones to leave the family home
Violent men should be the ones to leave the family
home, Judge tells TVNZ’s Q+A this
Former Principal Family Court
Judge Peter Boshier questions the need to have women and
children leaving a violent family home. Judge Boshier says
Gisborne is one of the few places in the country with a
house set up, a ‘man stop’, for violent men to take time
“One of my points is if men are violent, why
should it be the women that have to leave? I cannot see
what the rationale or wisdom of that is, and so I think a
place where men can go and talk about what’s going on in
their lives and how they might change might be a very very
constructive thing,” he said on Q+A this
Judge Boshier, chair of the White Ribbon
campaign, renewed his call for a domestic violence to be an
offence under that name.
“My point on this is
that if you are a drink-driver, you get charged with
drink-driving. You’re branded – you are a
drink-driver, and you have to be accountable for that. But
not so, and I cannot understand or fathom this— with
violence, there is no offence of domestic
“I would like, when I see someone’s
list of previous convictions, to be able to see that they
have assaulted a woman, a partner, maybe more than one over
a period of years and that it’s been domestic. At the
moment, I don’t know.”
The Judge is looking for
change on three fronts in relation to domestic violence:
Attitudinal change: “We’ve managed to do this with
drink-driving. We’ve managed to do it with smoking. We
can do it with family violence, and we’ve seen some top
rugby players beginning to come out and acknowledge.” He
wants more options for women, and more work done on making
men accountable, acknowledging their violence and making
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SUSAN A very good
morning to you.
Former Principal Family Court
Good morning.
This campaign is about men speaking to other men.
Is there any evidence that men are listening – that there
is less family violence?
Well, I think what we’re doing
is beginning to talk about it much more. Unfortunately,
only about 20% of family violence ever surfaces. There’s
an enormous, enormous amount that hasn’t been talked
about, so one of the real—
SUSAN How did you get
that number? That’s a huge amount we are not talking
is. It is a huge amount. Well, people are often
unwilling to seek help. They feel locked in, they feel
unable to share it, so one of the real purposes of White
Ribbon is to flush it out and to get people talking about
you’re talking to the men, and so often in these cases we
are talking about, generally here, women as the victims of
it, and the trouble is they are tied up. They are tied
with children; they are tied up economically, aren’t they,
so often? How do you break that? How do you get these
women to speak out?
Well, I think there are three things – three
things that I would focus on for change in New Zealand.
And first of all, it’s attitudinal change. We’ve
managed to do this with drink-driving. We’ve managed to
do it with smoking. We can do it with family violence, and
we’ve seen some top rugby players beginning to come out
and acknowledge. The second thing is we’ve got to give
women other options. We’ve got to enable them to feel
that there is something that they can do and somewhere they
can go.
And what are those sort of options? I know
we’ll get to the third one, but what sort of things
specifically do you need to give
think there are two things. The first is if you’re in a
violent relationship, you can’t just go back to it once
the person who’s perpetrated the violence has been
arrested, otherwise the thing goes round and round in
circles. And the poor children, just like the Once Were
Warriors situation, are huddled, listening to their parents
fighting. So we’ve got to give women, first of all,
somewhere to go, secondly, to empower them to make and force
SUSAN And the third
point? So we’ve got a chance in attitude, something for
women to do, and what’s your third
Well, the third thing, and we’re beginning to see
it more and more, is men being accountable, talking,
acknowledging and making change. And we have seen— We
have seen men who have been violent in the past who have
come out and said, ‘I no longer want to be violent,’ so
we’re beginning to get men talking about
they can change? At the moment, probably a 20-week course
is the best you’ll get. Is it enough to get what is
possibly ingrained behaviour changed?
It is not enough, and in
legislation that is coming through to reform the Family
Court, one of the good things about that legislation is
enhanced programmes – broader, more customised. Look,
violence varies, Susan, as you probably know. Some is
contextual – it happens as a result of a marriage
break-up. Other is lethal. We have men who are virtually
pathological, and one 20-week programme isn’t enough.
They may need a programme stretching over
Across society— We have heard often that domestic
violence is right across society. Is that your
SUSAN It doesn’t
matter if you’re a doctor in Remuera or whatever –
it’s right
is, and don’t forget that family violence isn’t just
punching and kicking. It is often much more insidious, and
the control – the psychological violence which there is
out there – is just as bad as the
Do you see that? Did you see that in your job –
the psychological violence?
I listened at times to voice
recordings on answerphones which women had had in the Family
Court and I had access to the recordings that men had
made. It’s terrible stuff. And the other thing we’re
beginning to see more and more is the text messaging and the
use of emails. So now everyone’s pretty marked – if
you sent a bad text message, the chances are it’ll
surface. And some of the melancholic, awful, intimidating
text messaging, often during the night, now is beginning to
This week, interestingly, Professor Greg Newbold
from the University of Canterbury came out saying that Maori
are overrepresented in many of the bad statistics in this
country, as we know, sadly. He was blaming the warrior
culture and patriarchal culture of Maori for domestic
violence. Do you buy that argument?
I don’t necessarily buy that
argument at all. The evidence that I have suggests that
pre-colonisation many, many years ago, violence was not part
of Maori culture, and that’s certainly the case in the
Pacific. So I don’t think it’s— I think it’s far
too simplistic to say that we can blame
SUSAN Now, in a legal
sense you’re also advocating some changes, aren’t you,
one being there is actually an offence of domestic
Because at the moment, you could be charged with
assault, common assault, assault against a women, but it
doesn’t actually show if it’s domestic
Correct. You see, my point on this is that if you
are a drink-driver, you get charged with drink-driving.
You’re branded – you are a drink-driver, and you have to
be accountable for that. But not so, and I cannot
understand or fathom this— with violence, there is no
offence of domestic violence. The most that we get is male
assaults female, and that’s the biggest clue you get that
it could be domestic. We can and should do much better
than this.
So it would make a difference to have on
someone’s record ‘domestic
Yes, it would. I would like, when I see
someone’s list of previous convictions, to be able to see
that they have assaulted a woman, a partner, maybe more than
one over a period of years and that it’s been domestic.
At the moment, I don’t know.
SUSAN You’re also
suggesting some sort of 0800 Crimestoppers, if you like,
centralised place for women to go when there is a case of
domestic violence.
Yes. One thing I would very much like us to
promote through the Blue [White] Ribbon campaign and other
things is who do you go to where you can be safe? And
women may feel fearful that Child, Youth and Family might
intervene and take away the children. They might feel
fearful that the police will act in a way they don’t
want. There’s got to be a safe way to talk about
You’re also suggesting somewhere for men to go,
like a ‘man stop’ I think you called
How would that work?
Well, it does work. I’m from
Gisborne, and I’m proud of that fact because it’s one of
the few places in the country that’s set up a house where
men can go. One of my points is if men are violent, why
should it be the women that have to leave? I cannot see
what the rationale or wisdom of that is, and so I think a
place where men can go and talk about what’s going on in
their lives and how they might change might be a very very
constructive thing.
SUSAN You mentioned
earlier in the interview men starting to speak. Are you
seeing that more – starting to speak amongst themselves,
starting to put the, I guess, peer pressure on each other in
a positive way?
Well, I am. You may have heard of the White
Ribbon motorbike ride, where a whole bunch of people visit
86 centres. And one of these which I went to was just
wonderful – very very empowering. Because I think a lot
of men do know – do know that they’ve been violent.
They are ashamed of it. To be able to talk about that with
others who have done similarly is a way of getting out there
that they need to
How do you help them, though, if they do want to
come out of it? As we said, a 20-week course isn’t going
to do it. A decent man who’s done a bad thing – how do
you get him right?
Well, we all know that there is aggression. There
is aggression on the sports field, and controlled aggression
is acceptable.
We admire it on the sports
do. But what we don’t admire is the sportsman that then
loses the plot, and we used to see this in the old days on
rugby fields, but I suggest less so now. In the old days,
aggression was uncontrolled. There were free-for-all
punches. It’s dreadful stuff. So what I’m trying to
say, through the White Ribbon campaign, and we all are, is
this fact – there’s a big difference between controlled
aggression and violence.
SUSAN Do you think we
will get there? You mentioned drink-driving as a good
example. It’s a very good example, because in my youth,
no one even thought about it. These days, none of the
youth I know would think of drink-driving, and there is a
real social stigma on it. But do you think we will get
there in a generation or two with domestic
We will make change. Look, the fact that I’m
here today speaking about this – this wouldn’t have
happened 20 years ago. And the fact that so many mayors,
people are our ambassadors— John Key, Len Brown, Ruben
Wiki, the famous rugby league player, are ambassadors, this
wouldn’t have happened years ago. I’m ever the
Well, good luck.
good to talk to you. Thank you, Peter