Auckland Pacific Sector Ranks Labour Leadership Candidates
Auckland Pacific Sector Ranks Labour Leadership Candidates
The Auckland Pacific Sector of the New Zealand Labour Party met last night to discuss and rank the Labour leadership candidates. After much debate and discussion it was carried by a unanimous vote that the leadership candidates be ranked in the following order:
#1 - Nanaia MAHUTA
#2 - Andrew LITTLE
#3 - David
#4 - Grant ROBERTSON
The members all expressed a strong desire to back Nanaia Mahuta as the first preference because of a need to support and work together with the Maori sector. Many in the Pacific Sector spoke of the need in the party to "break the glass ceiling" so that the loyal Maori and Pacific voters of the Labour Party could be assured that their MPs were not just there to get their votes, but also to lead the party. As asserted by Obed Unasa, the Chair of the Auckland Pacific Sector, "Our MP's must send a message to our faithful voters that they can and do aspire to fill the leadership and senior roles within our party. To represent us at the highest levels of the party." The Treasurer, Reece Autagavaia emphasised a need for a strong Maori and Pacific voting block within the party.
One of the stalwarts, "Aunty Fili" noted the need to give the second preference to Andrew Little in recognition of the strong union ties that many Pacific people have.
Long time members Lusi Schwenke and Maryanne McKenzie reminded the members to rank all four candidates and to vote online by 12 noon on the 18th of November and to post votes in by Friday 14th November to ensure that they count.