Budget 2018 and Māori Housing
Te Matapihi would like to congratulate Minister for Māori Development Nanania Māhuta on the announcement of additional new Māori housing resources to support whānau, hapū and iwi across the motu.
Yesterday’s funding announcement sets aside $15.0 million to provide practical assistance and resources to whānau and Māori housing providers to support papakāinga development and housing repairs through the Māori Housing Network in Te Puni Kōkiri. While relatively modest in scope the funding at least maintains the level of Māori housing activity and gives some encouragement to existing and emerging providers.
“An important first step has been to secure the current funding allocation administered by the Māori Housing Network and securing additional funding is again welcomed by our people, particularly coming into the winter months where housing repairs for our most vulnerable are crucial “ says Te Matapihi Chairperson Rau Hoskins.
Te Matapihi look forward to supporting Te Puni Kōkiri, and other Crown agencies with the upcoming development of the new Māori Housing Strategy, policy and processes for better Māori housing outcomes across the motu.