Significant investment towards ending homelessness
For Immediate Release:
New Zealand Coalition to End
ay 13 2019
The New Zealand Coalition to End Homelessness wishes to commend the government on making a significant investment towards ending homelessness. “Investing in the Housing first model is a great start said Corie Haddock of the NZCEH, the Housing first model provides effective support for the most chronic homeless. However more and more of our homeless fall outside of our rough sleeper population.
“The homeless population is not only those people found sleeping rough, in emergency accommodation, hostels and night shelters. It includes the many ‘hidden homeless’ who are sharing a dwelling with friends or whanau, occupying garages or spaces not designed for living in. Many crowded dwellings are occupied by two or more household, said Mr Haddock The NZCEH believes that to end homelessness in New Zealand an overall strategy is required.
The big difference between homelessness in New Zealand and other countries is the lack of an agreed plan to end it. The task of developing a Homelessness Strategy is not easily allocated to one government department, as the solutions lay with many agencies working collaboratively with a range of community providers. A National Homelessness Strategy would also provide a framework for regional and local solutions. It is appropriate that communities develop their own solutions reflecting local understanding of the issue, within a framework set by central government.
If New Zealand is to end homelessness and restore the right to adequate housing it must address the root causes of homelessness and not merely manage the worst symptoms of the problem. Local homelessness strategies must be developed to meet local need.