Tomorrow’s Schools review v Budget 2019 - what needs fixing
Budget 2019 shows clearly what the government thinks really needs fixing in education.
Budget 2019’s priorities for education include several key areas that NZSTA and other stakeholder groups have expressed concern about: the cost to parents of a supposedly ‘free’ state education, the shortfall in resources to cater to disability and learning support, workforce issues, and the condition of school property.
It’s noticeable that despite the recent Tomorrow’s Schools Taskforce report, school boards of trustees are not on the list of things that Budget 2019 says need fixing.
"Actions speak louder than words," says NZSTA President Lorraine Kerr, "and the government’s actions so far show that they are probably of the same opinion as us - that what’s become broken in our education system is the commitment to provide what every student needs to ensure their own personal success.
"It’s not boards of trustees that need fixing, it’s the myriad of problems they currently deal with."