Potatoes seen 'Potesting'
Potatoes seen 'Potesting'

An angry mob of potatoes was seen protesting in New Regent Street last night against the Trans Pacific Partnership.
It's Our Future – Christchurch spokesperson, Gen de Spa joked that even vegetables were becoming concerned about the implications of this international trade deal which is potentially reaching conclusion behind a veil of secrecy.
When challenged about the morality of using food to stage a protest when there are 100,000 hungry children in New Zealand, de Spa said this was the point. “Yes, there are thousands of families in poverty in New Zealand precisely because of economic instruments like the TPP which convey huge benefits to super-wealthy corporations and disadvantage the most vulnerable in our society. Protesters are not taking food from the mouths of the hungry, the current economic paradigm, which simultaneously wreaks havoc on the environment is the real cause.”

It's Our Future – Christchurch, a self-organising grass roots group of dedicated individuals from all walks of life who have concerns around the 12 nation trade deal are organising events all week to coincide with the Nationwide Week of Action against the TPP. On Monday night 150 people went to the Horticultural Hall to listen to MPs from the four parties who responded to the invitation, speak about their stance on the Trans Pacific Partnership.
David Parker, shadow Trade Minister and Dr Russel Norman, along with Maori Party co-leader Marama Fox and NZ First MP Fletcher Tabuteau spoke passionately about their views on Free Trade and New Zealand's reliance on the dairy industry.
The Potato Protest ran in conjunction with two screenings of “Inequality For All”, Robert Reich's call for a redistribution of wealth.
A seminar on New Economics (otherwise known as 'Living' or 'Environmental' economics) on Friday, the march down Riccarton Rd and an evening fundraising event on Saturday complete the week of action in Christchurch.
“It is by no means the end of the campaign, though,” said de Spa, “we have a number of new plans in the pipeline, including a campaign to declare Christchurch a 'TPP Free Zone' until the text and supporting documents are released so that we can ascertain a full cost/benefit analysis for the entire country.”