Politicians should listen to the Super 2000 Poll
Politicians should listen to the Super2000 Taskforce poll
"Age Concern calls on all political parties to take heed that 89% of people polled by the Super2000 Taskforce want political agreement on NZ Superannuation," says Dr Margaret Guthrie, Age Concern National President.
"New Zealanders are sick of Superannuation being a political football. "We are supportive of the present structure of the NZ Superannuation scheme. A universal, tax-funded scheme provides efficient and effective security of income for older people. But, if need be, Age Concern is prepared to support a move from the current system, which treats everyone the same, to one that gives the most assistance to those whose need is greatest - if that means more resources are available for education and health.
"Age Concern commends the Super2000 Taskforce for its plan to survey living standards of older people. No proper research has been conducted to determine the minimum level of income needed to ensure a reasonable quality of life for older people. "However, Age Concern is worried that the Super2000 Taskforce is over emphasising concerns about the increasing numbers of older people. Promoting active ageing policies, as recommended by the OECD, will enable both individuals and economies to cope well. Evidence is showing that people are living healthier and more productive lives for a much longer period than ever before.
"We also commend the exploration of options to safe guard the stability of long term income support in older age. Age Concern believes that exploration should include flexibility, as more people may choose to remain in full or part-time employment beyond 65," says Dr Guthrie. ENDS For further information please contact: Dr Margaret Guthrie, National President (hm) 0-4-233 9016 Age Concern is a not-for-profit, charitable organisation working to promote the well-being and quality of life of older people in New Zealand, since 1948.
Age Concern's new Policy Manifesto 1999 presents Age Concern position on NZ Superannuation and a range of other issues impacting on older people and the ageing of New Zealand society. This can be accessed in full at the Age Concern website: http://www.ageconcern.org.nz or copies can be purchased for $10.00 each.