Internal Affairs Bites Back At NBR
“An article in this morning’s NBR is a very mischievous
piece of writing
highlighting only the lighter aspects of
a serious departmental restructuring
Secretary for Internal Affairs Dr Roger Blakeley
“The article contains inaccuracies, is biased and
selective and is a lot of old
news. It ignores the
positives from the Department’s change programme
confuses change programme activities with staff
Social Club activities.”
“The change restructuring
programme was carried out within the
baseline funding approved by Government.
Not only was it carried out within
existing budgets but
it resulted in a $749,000 permanent reduction in the
baseline line funding of the Department. This
means that savings from the
programme are being returned
to the Government on a permanent on-going basis.”
are many other benefits from the programme for example
enhanced services
to the public, better business
performance and improved systems within