Greens Warn Of Disinformation On GE
Incorrect reports on genetic engineering are being circulated in the internet, which could be aimed at discrediting anti-genetic engineering lobbyists, Green Party Agriculture Spokesperson Ian Ewen-Street said today.
On Monday the Green Party issued a statement referring to an alleged United Nations Food Safety Agency decision to reject genetically engineered hormonal milk.
According to information sent to anti-genetic engineering newsgroups, the decision was unanimously made by the agency to support a moratorium on Monsanto's recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH) in milk
Today Mr Ewen-Street said the truth was that the UN agency had considered new evidence that the hormonal milk was unsafe but that a final decision had been shelved.
"I have yet to discover exactly how we and others have been misled here," he said. "But one aspect of the incorrect story which does disturb me is that a Professor Sam Epstein has been quoted as the source. This man is a well known author and cancer researcher who has done much to publicise the dangers of pesticides. His name has apparently been misused, either by an over-enthusiastic reporter or more likely by someone wishing to deliberately distribute misinformation.
"Clearly I must be more careful with overseas reports on genetic engineering, and I retract the release I issued on Monday headed `UN decision a timely warning for NZ Dairy Board'."