McGillicuddy Serious Party List Announced
Press Release
Saturday November 6 1999
The McGillicuddy Serious Party released it's party list the other day, and has seen fit to make public announcement. Party Secretary Bernard Smith has expressed great pleasure in the team the selection committee has got together. "We are delighted that as New Zealand's third oldest party, and the most consistent in policy since it's inception, we have also managed to get together New Zealand's largest party list, weighing in at a grand 73 candidates.
We are not only delighted with the size of the team, but the calibre, and are confident that we can bring this country to rights within the short space of time left to do so. We not only can boast the highest levels of gardeners and farmers of all parties, but are confident that the added numbers of pixies, wizards and witches, lay scientists, librarians and ark builders will be more than enough to save anyone who wants to stay on board when New Zealand as a country does what needs to be done, and wipes off the yolk of progress that we have been wearing on our faces for so long
Since no other party appears to have so long a range vision as us, we are certain that this election will be a doodle, with the understanding that voters really do know just how drastically bad things really are.
The McGillicuddy Serious Party believes that with policies such as reducing hospital to zero, whilst maintaining a funding policy of user prays, voters can't go wrong, and government will end up where it belongs; far removed from peoples lives. The TAB couldn't pick a better winner.
Party List as follows:
List # Name On List Occupation
1 CAIRNS, Graeme laird of hamilton
2 IRELAND, Leanne eccentric
3 RICHARDS, Steve café proprietor
4 HANSEN, Rodney sea gypsy
5 JULIAN, K.T. n/s
6 SMITH, Val contemporary dance student
7 CALDWELL, Peter king
8 SMITH, Greg gardener
9 DEMENTE, Donna n/s
10 SMITH, Paul handyman
11 WEST, Robyn trainee scientist
12 HOLROYD, Adrian street performer
13 SANDERS, Johanna video editor
14 MURGATROYD, Cecil sacred site guardian
15 BOUSFIELD, Penny student
16 KNOWLES, Grant drum maker
17 BORCHARDT, Heidi artist
18 COOKE, Paull bar tender
19 ROSS, Amy witch
20 COOGAN, Rebekah artist
21 CRAIG, Derek lubricator
22 MACKIE, Douglas party president
23 SERVIAN, Mark astronaut
24 SMITH, Bernard tea lady
25 BEERE, Paul performer
26 STANTON-TUREI, Worik mathematician
27 TUREI-STANTON, Metiria solicitor
28 CLAYTON, Phil jester
29 SEAWRIGHT, Megan therapist
30 OWENS, Timothy artwork
31 DEAKER, Antony pedestrian
32 HOWIE, Colin wizard
33 CARTHEW, Adrienne artist
34 WHARTON, Jonat scientist
35 HUDSON, Paula school girl
36 THORNTON, Helen informant
37 MacDONALD, Amy pixie
38 McGREGOR, David scholar
39 JACK, Fiona existing
40 HOLT, Michael-Garnet graphic designer
41 GRIMMETT, Philip sophisticate
42 HOOLE, Kerry analyst
43 ALSOP, Toni-Ann student
44 DJ Howard sound engineer
45 CRESER, John thane of real
46 McMILLAN, Maria librarian
47 HAKARIA, Jane actor
48 WILSON, Catherine n/s
49 NOKOMIS, Ara seasonal mother
50 TAYLOR, Dale armourer
51 CLEASE, Wendy student
52 HOLDAWAY, Jeffrey sound engineer
53 ENGEBRETSEN, Tricesta artist
54 SANDLANT, Phillip ark builder
55 HOLMES, Robyn unemployment consultant
56 EDGAR, Ross farmer
57 MORAN, Serena ball crusher
58 SMITH, Emma platty farmer
59 DAVIS, Nikki performing artist
60 FRENCH, Andrew n/s
61 SUTCLIFFE, David student
62 MOHR, Daniel flax weaver
63 GEMMEL, Michael herpetologist
64 CUMMING, Samuel couch fungus
65 HEWLETT, Karl computer nerd
66 MOORE, Cameron excavator operator
67 WOOLHOUSE, Anna designer
68 KENDALL, Trudy actress
69 BRYANT, Barry n/s
70 JORDAN, Stefan musician
71 RIVERS, Kathryn astrologer
72 BAXTER, Mark social critic
73 KINGI, Murray promoter
Bernard Smith
Party Secretary, McGillicuddy Serious.
03 482 2452