A Change For The Better
29 NOVEMBER 1999
APSU Student Union and the New Zealand University Students Association (NZUSA) are looking forward to an education friendly government according to the decision of the General Election on Saturday. The Student Associations' know there are many issues to be addressed but some are more urgent than others.
"We have put a lot of time and effort into raising education as an election issue," said APSU Student Union President John Barkess today. "It appears that the voters around New Zealand listened to us and sent a strong message to the out going National Government."
"While we appreciate there is much to be done and you can't do everything at once, we trust the new government will address the urgent issues immediately," said NZUSA Co-President, Tanja Schutz. "There must be an immediate lift of restrictions on students accessing the Community Wage - student. This change must be a priority as soon as the new Cabinet meets."
"All coalition partners are aware of the impact interest is having on Student Loans, and have promised to address this issue, so we are also waiting with baited breath for the announcements to change the current regime," said Barkess.
"We have a chance to make a difference. If Labour and the Alliance are true to their word we can look forward to a return of our "best and brightest" from their Student Debt enforced exile," said Tanja Schultz.
The education sector is in need of an urgent injection of funding. The coalition must take this seriously and act decisively.
For further comment: John Barkess President APSU Student Union 025 756 526 / (04) 498 2501 or Tanja Schutz Co President NZUSA 025 86 86 77 / (04) 498 2500