SMC Alert
9 December
update - Highlights from Copenhagen
two at Copenhagen saw the release of the WMO's last global
temperature data, which suggests the current decade is the
warmest on record. But the conference has also been
dominated by the appearance of a leaked report dubbed the
'Danish texts'.
According to the Guardian, which published the draft report, the agreement "hands more power to rich countries and sidelines the UN's role in all future climate change negotiations".
Meanwhile, tonight will see the launch of the ICSU's climate change index, which gives an annual snapshot, expressed as an index, of how the planet's complex systems - the ice, the oceans, the land surface and the atmosphere - are responding to the changing climate.
The SMC has a resource page for media covering Copenhagen available on our website. We also have experts ready to talk on climate science-related issues and comment on the progress of the climate talks. Contact the SMC for details.
Here are some of the SMC's picks for the third day of COP15:
Available via webcast:
All official meetings and press conferences will be available both live and on-demand via the COP15 webcast here.
09:00 - 09:30:
International Council for Science (ICSU) -
Climate change index launch
(International Geosphere-Biosphere
Asger Jorn
13:00 - 15:00:
Selecting the mitigation targets and financing the
efforts in 2020 - ensuring a reasonable probability
of reaching the 2 degree target in the long term involves
selecting either explicitly or implicitly an intermediate
global emissions target. Possible emission pathways will be
discussed and also what a given target will mean to
developed and developing countries.
13:00 - 14:30:
Kiribati: Our road to Copenhagen - We are
first in line to face irreversible climate change impacts.
Hear how our islands will change in our childrens' lifetimes
and our plans to adapt. Learn from this practical
experience. Join us and our partners in calling for a
meaningful global response.
3.30pm - 4.30pm: Coral Reefs and Climate Change - the Link between Reef Resilience and Human Well-being. The event will demonstrate the link between reef resilience and human well-being, noting the impacts of climate change on coral reef health and in turn on local communities, livelihoods, food security, and poverty reduction. The panel of international coral reef experts includes Professor Ove Hoegh-Guldberg from the University of Queensland.
US Pavilion
16:15 - 17:45:
Biochar - delivering fast climate benefits?
The world's leading experts will discuss the potential of
biochar as a fast mitigation measure.
Updated resources from the AusSMC:
Several new
images of conference proceedings have been added to our
Flickr web page. These images are free to be used by media
(please credit the Australian Science Media Centre). Go to:
Two new video snippets have
been added from a press conference held overnight at COP15
involving the Secretary-General of the World
Meteorological Organization on the 2009 annual
climate statement. Geoff Love (an Australian) from the WMO
is also quoted discussing the latest El Nino implications
for Australia. To preview the videos, go to the above flickr
To download a broadcast quality version, go to and select the file (300+ Mb .avi file) in the video folder. Media is free to download this file (right click and 'save target as').
Note: Powerpoint slides and audio are also available from the AusSMC briefing on the WMO statement held at the Bureau of Meteorology in Melbourne today. Go to
mp3 audio file of Rajendra Pauchari from the IPCC commenting
on the 'hacked email' controversy and taking questions from
journalists at a side event is now available on our main
COP15 page at:
Notes to Editors
The Science
Media Centre (SMC) is an independent source of expert
comment and information for journalists covering science and
technology in New Zealand. Our aim is to promote accurate,
bias-free reporting on science and technology by helping the
media work more closely with the scientific community. The
SMC is an independent centre established by the Royal
Society of New Zealand with funding from the Ministry of
Research, Science and Technology. The views expressed in
this Science Alert are those of the individuals and
organisations indicated and do not reflect the views of the
SMC or its employees. For further information about the
centre, or to offer feedback, please email us at