Halt outdoor Marijuana Growing using ‘Fields of Hemp’
Your government made it easier for you to grow marijuana
by banning hemp. Put simply, you cannot grow marijuana in
the vicinity of hemp. The reason is that the marijuana will
turn into hemp and you will loose the THC, which you were
growing marijuana for in the first place.
The Police could easily nullify the THC by sowing wild hemp seeds outdoors, where they identify marijuana crops. There is no need to helicopter people in and burn everything for photo opportunities and promotion possibilities. No need, when you could easily ‘turn’ a marijuana crop with a handful of hemp seeds.
Marijuana is a form of cannabis where you grow female plants only and deny them the opportunity to be pollinated. When denied pollination, the female plant produces a sticky resin (Trichomes) in the top leaves and particularly in the flowers. They do this in order to reach out and attract a fertilization opportunity from the male.
If the female marijuana plants are successful, they will seed and the THC you were growing for will be hugely reduced, possibly even disappear. It’s a bad investment for the marijuana grower. The last thing they want is for their females to fertilize and go to seed.
It’s an easy fix for the police though. Provide male pollination and the plant goes from making you high, to a non-psychoactive functional food.
How come the police haven’t figured that out yet? They don’t care, it’s a paid opportunity to go commando and make the headlines.
The best way to disincentivise marijuana growers is to have fields of Hemp already growing, all over New Zealand. This would greatly decrease the amount of outdoor marijuana growing and possibly affect some indoor grows within pollination distance.
And, the health benefits from New Zealand being covered in hemp? It would give to the ordinary New Zealander immeasurable health gains. See previous articles by Marco Fantham on The Endocannabinoid System ECS.
Want to know more about hemp? Check out iHemp
magazine: https://joom.ag/u8Pe