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Latest Update Of Mayday2k Contact And Action List

M A Y D A Y 2 0 0 0
Global Day of Action, Resistance and Carnival

(last updated on April 22, 2000)

NEEDED: Translators !!! To make Mayday information available in every language, now especially Dutch, Chinese, Hindi, Urdu, Hungarian, Bulgarian, Greek, Serbo-Croatian, Indonesian, African languages, Thai, and Vietnamese. Ca 1400 words. Translations are displayed at www.lobster1.dircon.co.uk/

* Activists in FINLAND: The email address mentioned in the contact info below does not work.


New contacts in:
Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil
Santos, Brazil
Montreal, Canada (two contacts)
London, England (one more)
Helsinki, Finland
Ruhr-area, Germany
Rome, Italy
Tijuana, Mexico
Utrecht, Netherlands
Wellington, New Zealand
Bratislava, Slovakia
Elx (Alacant), Spain
Ankara, Turkey
New York, New York, USA (one more)
Springfield, Illinois, USA

New translations of Mayday information text (see section III.F):
- Greek
- Swahili


I. General info about this list
New Zealand
United States of America
A. Discussion lists
B. Mayday news subscription
C. Mayday internet club
D. Web sites
E. Web ring
F. Mayday information text
- Arabic
- Catalan
- Czech
- English
- Finnish
- French
- German
- Greek
- Italian
- Portuguese
- Spanish
- Swahili
- Swedish
- Turkish
G. International Contacts and Resources List
H. Networking: worldwide activist directories
- Global Grassroots Resistance Directory
- Soman’s Revolutionary Socialist Links Page
- Anarchist Yellow Pages
I. Alternative news coverage of Mayday
- Direct Action Media Network (DAMN)
J. September 26-27 Global Days of Action against Capitalism
IV. The Mayday 2000 Global Day of Action
V. References

The contacts and resources list below is for activists planning to take action on May 1, 2000 as part of a GLOBAL DAY OF ACTION, RESISTANCE, AND CARNIVAL AGAINST CAPITALISM. This day will continue the June 18 and November 30 global days of action that took place in 1999. (see sections IV and V for more info)
The contacts list serves to facilitate decentralized and non-hierarchic networking for the day among sympathetic groups and individuals. If you plan to take action, please check that the relevant contact information below is correct. For additions, corrections or comments, please contact .
Anyone planning to take action can send in contact information to facilitate networking. This can be for instance (i) a particular group, (ii) a coalition of groups or individuals, or (iii) a single individual. In the case of a coalition consisting of several groups, there might be a point in providing contact information not only for the coalition as a whole, but also for each participating group, to facilitate individual networking.
Contact information may include for instance (a) name of country, city, and state; (b) name of group, coalition, or individual; (c) events being planned; (d) land address; (e) email address; (f) telephone number; (g) fax number; (h) web site, (j) mailing list. When you send in your contact information, please write “New M1 contact in [your country, city/location]” in the subject field.
If you have not got access to email, you can send in your contact information by filling in a form at the International Lobster Party web site at and submitting it directly from there.
Please note that the contacts list is public.
The resources list gives information about resources that can be of use for co-ordinative and preparatory work, including networking, e.g. mailing lists, news groups, and web sites, and also texts useful for networking, such as Mayday information in various languages, and a few directories of activist-minded groups around the world.

(# countries: 21, # specific locations: 73)


Perth, Western Australia
* Plans: Carnival against Capitalism
Email: jon_dafydd@hotmail.com

Port Augusta
* Earthdream 2000
Plans: A three month anti nuke convoy kicking off on May 1, crossing the centre of Australia to Jabiluka, and involving a cross section of motivated people determined to forge a new movement towards a more sustainable future.
Email: ohmsnotbombs@microsuxx.com

* MD2k Sydney
Email: mayday2k@doityourself.com

Wollongong, New South Wales
* Van Badham
Email: cippra@speedlink.com.au


* Email: (1st:) mayday2000graz@hotmail.com,
(2nd:) i_furiosi@email.com
Web site: http//www.blubb.at/mayday


* Contra a corrente (Brasil)
Plans: Juntos com outros companheiros e coletivos, estamos discutindo a preparação da Ação Global contra o Capitalismo no próximo 1º de maio. Com a completa burocratização do movimento sindical e camponês, a possibilidade de se construir ações autônomas, em articulação não-hierárquica em nível mundial, é de grande importância. O princípio fundamental deve ser: organizar a autonomia local, com democracia e ação direta, e unir em nível mundial, contra o poder das corporações e seus instrumentos: os Estados nacionais, a OMC, o Banco Mundial e o FMI. Nossas ações, múltiplas; nossa lema, único: "nossa luta deve ser tão transnacional como é o capital".
E-mail: contraacorrente@zipmail.com.br

Fortaleza, Ceará
* Coligação: Comitê de Solidariedade às Comunidades Zapatistas (Ceará), Movimento de Estudantes Revolucionários, Centro de Cultura e Organização Proletária e Coletivo contra-a-corrente.
Plans: Estamos planejando fazer a campanha da Ação Global contra o Capitalismo (1º de maio/2000) junto com a campanha contra a comemoração oficial dos 500 anos da "descoberta" do Brasil. A idéia que está sendo discutida é fazer no 1º de maio um bloco carnavalesco.
Email: contraacorrente@zaz.com.br

Plans: Uma marcha de protesto entre Santos e São Vicente. Ponto de concentração no Mercado Municipal de Santos à partir das 11:30 horas; a marcha partirá às 13 horas do Mercado Municipal. A caminhada terá por volta de 10 quilômetros. Na Praça da Biquinha encerraríamos o protesto com um ato político/cultural com microfone aberto, performances, apresentações de Hip Hop, acústicos etc. Estamos considerando de extrema importância a participação de indivíduos e grupos de fora da Baixada Santista. Queremos que o 1 de Maio volte a ser um dia dos de baixo. Um dia classista, um dia de luta e combate.
Email: m_reboucas@yahoo.com


* WTO Caravan
Plans: Provide info on M1 events across Canada.
Email: mike@flora.org
Web site: http://wtocaravan.org/mayday2k/

Argenta, B.C.
* Ahimsazine
Plans: Networking with supporters
Land address: D. Affinity Place, Argenta BC Canada V0G 1B0
Telephone: Dick Martin 250 366 4682
Email: ahimsazine@xoommail.com
Web site: http://members.xoom.com/AhimsaZine

* a coalition of various anarchist activist groups
Plans: Independent, noisy colored mayday demonstration in one of the richest areas of Montreal. Meeting at metro station Guy at 17:30 on May 1.
Email: mainnoire@altern.org
* Plans: Make and distribute fliers. Perhaps rally and general boycott like buy-nothing-day.
Email: hoipolloi@supernet.ca

* Email: briane@tao.ca

* Stephen Kerr (International Socialists, International Solidarity with Workers in Russia, Toronto Anti-WTO Coalition)
Telephone: 416-778-1319
Email: stephen.kerr@sympatico.ca

* Vancouver Committee Against Corporate Globalization
Email: vcacg@tao.ca

Victoria, B.C.
* Resist Corporate Rule
Telephone: (250) 384-4676
Web site: http://www.tao.ca/~resist


* The Corrupt Party
Plans: Standing in local elections with a manifesto, campaign literature etc. as autonomously organised local pro-active alternative to simply saying "don't vote". The focus is on local issues and the corruption of other, "genuine", candidates. Contact us to be updated on developments. We intend to join in the London
activities around May 1.
Land address: c/o LAG, The Basement, Single Step, Penny St, Lancaster
Email: lancs_ag@hotmail.com
Web site:

* Email: dewijac@yahoo.com

* MayDay 2000
Plans: “MAYDAY 2000: A Festival of Anarchist Ideas and Action”, 28th April - May 1.
Land address: BM Mayday, London, WC1N 3XX, UK
Telephone/Fax: +44 (0) 20 8374 5027
Press enquiries: 07989 451 096
Email enquiries: mayday2k@email.com
Web site: http://www.freespeech.org/mayday2k/
Discussion list: To join the UK mailing list, send a blank email to
* Reclaim the Streets
Land address: RTS, PO Box 9656, London N4 4JY
Telephone: 0171.281 4621
Email: rts@gn.apc.org
Web site: www.gn.apc.org/rts
* South Kilburn Anarchists & Radicals
Plans: Resistance to police brutality
Email: skar6@hotmail.com
* London May Day 2000 Group
Plans: Loud music; flag burning; partying
Email: email@mayday2000.org.uk
Web site: http://www.mayday2000.org.uk
* Reclaim the Satyagraha! (Group promoting nonviolent direct action and nonviolent revolution or transformation of society.)
Plans: Workshop as part of Mayday2000 conference
Land address: Reclaim the Satyagraha!, c/o Nonviolent Action, 5 Caledonian Road, London N1
Contact Email: enquiries@satyagraha.org
Web site: http://www.satyagraha.org

* Manchester May Day 2000 coalition
(Open to all; come and get involved.)
Plans: Carnival, Open Forum, Teach-In, Festival, March, Direct Actions, Workshops, and much, much more. We want to make Mayday 2000 the biggest demonstration of solidarity in Manchester ever. Contact details and event listings are available on the web site.
Fax: (0870) 131-8428
Email: nnc@mayday2000.fsnet.co.uk
Web site: http://www.mayday2000.fsnet.co.uk
* Email: francescofranco@hotmail.com

* Sheffield Mayday
(Meetings open for anyone to attend.)
Email: sheffieldmayday@disinfo.net
Web site: http://www.sheffieldmayday.ukf.net
(updated regularly with details of next meetings etc.)

* Southampton Mayday 2000 group
Land address: Southampton Mayday, c/o October Books, 4 Onslow Road, Southampton, UK
Email: a183099@hotmail.com

South West
* South West (UK) Mayday
(Bristol, Exeter, etc.)
Email: mail@maydaysw.fsnet.co.uk
Web site: http://www.maydaysw.fsnet.co.uk


* Email: mayday2000@go.to
Web site: http://go.to/mayday2000

* Plans: Demonstration for humanity against capitalism from Harjutori, Sörnäinen, Helsinki 1st of May 2000 12.00. Issues: against wage slavery; for free movement of people, international solidarity and the destruction of the Fortress Europe; for an end to biotechnology, and for the liberty and right of peasant communities
to survive.
Web site: http://go.to/mayday2000


* Association “Nantes Est Une Fête !” (N.E.U.F.)
Plans: May Day's Eve. Fête populaire, exposition, animations de rue contre les paradis fiscaux et la dictature des marchés financiers. Party against the dictatorship of the financial markets. A citizens' gathering without money, violence, a leading organisation or hegemonic publicity, against stock exchanges, interest rates, fiscal paradises, and for taxation of speculative financial income. In front of the stock exchange in the night between April 30 and May 1. Meet at Place de la Bourse.
Email: douillard@calvanet.calvacom.fr
Web site: http://www.multimania.com/neuf/

* NEUF (Nantes Est Une Fête), CROAC (Collectif pour un Réveillon Ostensiblement Anti-Capitaliste), Attac 44 (Nantes), Attac Paris 11ème, Attac 93 sud, des membres des comités Attac 95, Attac Paris 20ème et d'autres comités Attac en France.
Plans: May Day's Eve. Fête populaire, exposition, animations de rue contre les paradis fiscaux et la dictature des marchés financiers. Party against the dictatorship of the financial markets. A citizens' gathering without money, violence, a leading organisation or hegemonic publicity, against stock exchanges, interest rates, fiscal paradises, and for taxation of speculative financial income. In front of the stock exchange in the night between April 30 and May 1. Meet at Place de la Bourse.
Web sites: (NEUF) http://www.multimania.com/neuf/ et (ATTAC 11) http://www.local.attac.org/paris11/reveillon.htm
- un groupe animations de rue
Coordinateur Jean-Michel Ripaud (Cergy)
Tel.: 01 34 25 93 85
Email: jdr@mageos.com
- un groupe administratif (assurances, autorisation) :
Coordinateur Glen Millot (Paris 11ème)
Tel.: 01 49 29 70 24
Email: glenmillot@altern.org
- un groupe logistique-stands
Coordinatrice Christine Daniel (Montreuil)
Tel.: 01 48 57 40 50
Email: carabosse@magic.fr
- un groupe repas
Coordinateur Serge Verveur (Montreuil)
Tel.: 01 48 57 40 50
Email: sergio@magic.fr
- un groupe musique-contacts assoc (groupes + intervenants)
Coordinateur Christophe Noisette (Paris 10ème)
Tel. dom: 01 42 02 55 74
Tel bur: 01 48 51 65 40
Email: noisette@altern.org
- un groupe expo (expositions, banderoles, déco)
Coordinatrice Valentine Labourey (Paris 20ème)
Tel.: 01 40 33 13 70 et 06 86 93 97 25
Email: dieka@netcourrier.com
- un groupe médias-annonces (relations-presse, affichage, tracts)
Coordinatrice Anne Bosser (Paris 18ème)
Tel. 01 42 51 49 82
Email: a_bosser@club-internet.fr


* Shudoda, c/o Infoladen Daneben Berlin
Plans: Action on Airport
Email: resonanzxx@gmx.net

* Plans: A Reclaim the Streets action on April 30.
Land address: JUMP-Hamburg, Postfach: 306137, 20327 Hamburg
Email: Sublimago@gmx.de

* Plans: Revolutionären 1. Mai Demo 2000. Revolutionary MayDay Manifestation, Paradeplatz, 11h.
Contact: j.m
Land address: Hafenstrasse 43, Zi. 008, D-68159 Mannheim
Telephone: +49 621 159 7322
Email: andreas.mueller.am3@t-online.de

* IMUN Bochum (probably Oberhausen)
Email: imun@gmx.de
* Mayday2k Ruhr-Area
Plans: "Tanz in den Mai2000". Am 30.April, ein Festival zu machen, und in den Mai hinein zu tanzen. Im westlichen Teil des Ruhrpotts (Ruhrgebiet, Deutschland). Wir werden uns einen Teil des öffentlichen Raumes zurücknehmen, und ein Festival feiern. Bands on stage, hiphop, punk, ska, soundsystems, techno, theater, performance, Artistik, Feuershow, Multimedia, Bar, Straßenküche.... Einige Bands/Leute haben schon zugesagt, aber es ist Immer noch Platz für mehr, für deine/eure Aktion!
Treffpunkt ist das AZ Mülheim, Auerstr.51 in Mülheim/Ruhr, um 15 Uhr (pünktlich!). Mehr Information unter: 0049(0)177.8392739
Email: tanzmayday@gmx.de
Web site: http://squat.net/tanzmayday/


* J18 Hellas
Email: j18hellas@hotmail.com
Web site: http://www.geocities.com/j18hellas


* Email: milarepa@mail.com
Web site: http://www.go.to/mayday2000it or http://italy.int.fortunecity.com/centro/democrazia/2/
(Informazioni su Mayday 2000 in italiano. Informazioni su eventi, iniziative e contatti per Mayday 2000 in paesi di lingua italiana.)

* Circolo ARCI agorà (Associazione Ricreativa Culturale Italiana)
Land address: Via Bovio 48, 56125 Pisa
Telephone: ++39-050-500442
Fax: ++39-050-2208259
Email: agorapi@officinaweb.it
Web site: http://www.archicoop.it/agora

* Groups: COBAS - Confederazione dei Comitati di Base, Associazione Nazionale Antirazzista 3 Febbraio, Coordinamento Lavoratori e Lavoratrici Roma Ovest, Socialismo Rivoluzionario, Ricomincio dal Faro, Comitato di Iniziativa Laica e Libertaria, Senza Confine, Coordinamento Cittadino di Lotta per la Casa, Sin.Cobas, Roman federation of Rifondazione Comunista. More organizations likely to join.
Plans: National demonstration. For the official call to join action (in Italian), visit www.claronet.it/primomaggio.htm .
Telephone: (+39)06-78348282 / (+39)06-70452452 /
(+39)06-7001784 / (+39)06-4103294
Fax: (+39)06-78348283 / (+39)06-77206060
Email: claro@claronet.it
Web site: www.claronet.it


* Jorhenaaka
Email: aprendere@latinmail.com
Web site: www.geocities.com/aprendere

Mexico City
* Email: aladoser@yahoo.com

* Eventos planeadas: volanteos, platicas o conferencias, fanzines que hablen s/globalizacion, capitalismo, economia de mercados y
sus consecuencias.
Correo electrónico: esplin@hotmail.com o tecui@hotmail.com


* MayDay 2K cooperating collectives
Telephone: 0031 30 2870711
Plans and contacts:
** March on the Royals - popular party against monarchy, state and capital. April 29.
Email: beakomt@squat.net
Web site: http://squat.net/beakomt
** On Sunday April 30th a direct action rave party will start confronting capitalism on a still secret location, continuing for several days. All kinds of action, direct and fun; an explosion of creativity as an alternative to the mechanical asphalt capitalism.
Bring food, drink, warm clothes and a blanket.
Meeting point: Leiden, Boerhavelaan 345 (Eurodusnie), at 14.00h
Email: mayd@dds.nl
Web site: www.antenna.nl/bn/mayday
** Action trip against capitalism to Pyrenees: Aspe and Itoiz.
April 30 - May 16
Email: flip@casema.net
Web site: www.antenna.nl/nvda/aspe

* Basisdemocratic Network
Email: bn@antenna.nl
Web site: http://www.antenna.nl/~bn

* DWARS (Dutch green-left organization for young people)
Plans: Action against Randstad holding. 1 May 14.00 AM, Oudegracht 229, Utrecht.
Telephone: +31 30 2333263
Fax: +31 30 2400338
Email: dwars-ut@dds.nl
Web site: http://www.dwars.org


* A network of different movements preparing for 1 May. Actions are being coordinated on the web site and list server below.
Email: nzmayday2k@hotmail.com
Web site:
Discussion list: To join the New Zealand discussion list, send a blank email to or visit . The list owner can be contacted at .

* Plans: March down Queen St.
Email: strypey@yahoo.com
* Plans: Festival, with bands and so on aimed at increasing particularly young peoples’ interest in and knowledge of Unions.
Email: kolontai@rocketmail.com

* Plans: Critical mass bike ride down Victoria St.
Email: strypey@yahoo.com

* Email: nzmice@hotmail.com
Attempting to find other groups activities, in order to co-ordinate, or at least not cross paths.


* The Chikoko Movement, the Peoples Democratic Liberation Party, the Pan African Youth Movement, and the Ijaw Youth Council (more groups will join)
Plans: In general, to promote the process of rebuilding the structures for struggle; plans for action will become more concrete by time. Reach out to workers, students, minorities and ethnic
nationality organisations, etc.
Contact: oilwatch@infoweb.abs.net


* Awami Committee for Development
Land address: P.O. Box 598, Multan
Fax: 92-61-586764
Email contact: asif35@hotmail.com


* The Slovak section of Czechoslovak anarchist federation
Plans: Informing people about the IMF/WB and their policy as a part of capialist globalization. Infopanels set up on the square (on IMF/WB, globalization, PGA, resistance photos and anarchist alternative). Leaflets, posters and magazines will be distributed. The Food not Bombs collective will prepare vegan food for all. We
invited drummers and street artists.
Email: csaf-sk@post.sk


Elx (Alacant)
* Diversos colectivos de la ciudad (Agitacio, Maulets, Dones sobversives, Dones Revolucionaries, Joves del Casal.)
Plans: Jornadas Anti-capitalistas desde el 25 de abril hasta el 1 de mayo: pases de video sobre el FMI y el Cabanyal, un barrio de València que esta en peligro. Pase de la pelicula Tiempos modernos de Chaplin. Mesa redonda con sindicatos (CGT, Solidaridad Obrera, COS (sindicato nacionalista). Jam literaria. Bici-Manifestación recorriendo la ciudad. Fiesta con concierto. Mural reivindicando la lucha contra el capital... y alguna cosilla más que se nos ocurra.
Land address: Aptdo 87 de Elx
Email: agitacio@mixmail.com


* ATTAC (Savoie), ATTAC (Rhone), ATTAC (Isere)
Évènements, actions prévus (Plans): Happening in the night with dance and music.
Adresse (Land address): ATTAC SAVOIE, 150 chemin du Frettey, 73230 St Alban Leysse (France)
Adresse electronique (Email): savoie@attac.org
Numéro de téléphone (Telephone number): (33) 04 79 85 82 82
Site web (web site): http://www.attac.org
* Association “Nantes Est Une Fête !” (N.E.U.F.), CROAC (Collectif pour un Réveillon Ostensiblement Anti-Capitaliste), Attac 44 (Nantes), Attac Paris 11ème, Attac 93 sud, des membres des comités Attac 95, Attac Paris 20ème et d'autres comités Attac en France.
Plans: May Day's Eve. Fête populaire, exposition, animations de rue contre les paradis fiscaux et la dictature des marchés financiers. Party against the dictatorship of the financial markets. A citizens' gathering without money, violence, a leading organisation or hegemonic publicity, against stock exchanges, interest rates, fiscal paradises, and for taxation of speculative financial income. In front of the stock exchange in the night between April 30 and May 1. Meet at Place de la Bourse.
Email: douillard@calvanet.calvacom.fr
Web site: http://www.multimania.com/neuf/
* Plans: 28 avril - 1er mai: Journées globales d'actions et de réflexions sur l'anti-capitalisme.
Email: infokiosk@under.ch ou usine@usine.ch

* c.s.o.a. Il Molino (self-managed squatted social center)
Plans: To involve other groups in Italy and Switzerland in a co-organized trans-national action/demo in the border town of Chiasso. Proposed main topics: "immigration policy", labor and workers, underemployment and unemployment, and a women's march. But these are just tentative; final decisions will be made with other groups that get involved. See original proposal at www.ecn.org/lists/internazionale/200002/msg00074.html
Land address: Piano La Stampa, 6952 Canobbio-Lugano
Telephone: ++41-91-9421296
Fax: ++41-91-9421220
Email: molino@cybernet.ch
Web site: www.ecn.org/molino or www.ecn.org/agp
Mailing list: see www.ecn.org/lists/caravan99


* Working Group of Turkey Against MAI and Globalization
Email: antimai@antimai.org
Web site: www.antimai.org

* Ankara anarchists
Plans: Participation in MayDay demonstrations with banners and black flags.
Email: ankara_anarchists@hotmail.com
Web site: http://go.to/a_turkey


Arcata, California
* Progressive Alliance of HSU
Plans: A May Day festival and rally for the campus of Humboldt State University.
Land address: Office of Clubs & Activities, University Center, HSU, Arcata, CA USA 95521
Voicemail: (707) 441-7160
Fax: (call for fax #)
Email: progress@axe.humboldt.edu
Web site: http://www.humboldt.edu/~progress

Ashland, Oregon
* Plans: A day of action and education.
Contact: Conan Riojas
Land address: 8014 Dead Indian Memorial Rd., Ashland,
Oregon 97520
Telephone: 541-488-9471
Email: rioj7837@students.sou.edu

Baltimore, Maryland
* Nosotros Group
Plans: Mid-Atlantic Anarchist Bookfair, April 29th noon till 7 p.m. plus other events
throughout the weekend.
Land address: Nosotros Group, PO Box 65341, Baltimore, MD 21209
Email: durruti36@aol.com

Berkshire County, Massachusetts
* Berkshire Radical Labor Council
Email: genchad3@aol.com
Plans: Street theater at several prominent locations around
Berkshire County. Possible Caravan to NYC.

Boston, Massachusetts
* Boston Encuentro, Sabate Anarchist Group
Plans: Anti-Capitalist Festival of Resistance
Land address: c/o Lucy Parsons Center, 549 Columbus Ave., Boston, MA 02118
Email: bostonmayday2k@juno.com

Chicago, Illinois
* Chicago Mayday Coalition
Plans: March and actions
Discussion list:
(list manager: kimkates@aol.com)
Web site: www.chicagomayday.org
** Art & Revolution
Contact: Kelly Ann Norris
Telephone: 773-645-9211
Email: kellyann_n@yahoo.com
** Autonomous Zone (A-zone)
Land address: 2012 W. Chicago Ave.
Mail address: 1573 N. Milwaukee Ave., PMB 420, Chicago, IL 60622
Telephone: 773-252-6019
Email: azone@wwa.com

Columbia, Missouri
* People Over Profits Coaltion
Plans: Possible events are mock fashion show with MU sweatshop apparel, guerilla theatre, march, rally, strike, shutdown of major area highway.
Contact: Molly Dupre
Land address: 1501 Rosemary #A, Columbia, MO 65201
Telephone: (573) 443-8891
Email: c718841@showme.missouri.edu

Dallas / Ft. Worth area, Texas
* Winfred Richardson
Land address: P.O. Box 94, Lone Oak, Tex 75453
Telephone: 903-447-4211
Email: patriot001@directlink.net

Denver, Colorado
* Direct Action Network-May Day working group
(Meeting on March 14 at 7 pm at American Friends Service Committee, 901 W. 14th Ave.)
Plans: Fr, April 28: Critical mass bike ride, Pedestrian Street Jam, Kick off Party; Sa, April 29: Food not bombs vegan food at 4pm; Su, April 30: Carnival, speakers, theatre, performances, music at City Park Band Shell 11 a.m. - 5 p.m., pep rally and speakers; Mo, May 1: Phone in sick day, student walk out, street actions, radical cheerleading squad, flying sticker brigade, labor?, marches, street theatre, the giant puppet show.
Land address: 1154 Corona St., Apt. 1, Denver, CO 80218-2820
Telephone: 303-832-8628 (day hrs) or 303-839-8428 (evening hrs)
Email: jcdreier@yahoo.com

Detroit, Michigan
* Coalition of different collectives (Active Transformation, Brown Berets de Aztlan, ARA and IWW), but looking to build a broad coalition with lefties, church groups, unions, etc.
Plans: Points of unity: (1) Amnesty for all immigrants (2) Stop Police Brutality (3) Fight Global Capitalism. March through Southwest Detroit, puppets, street theater. Possible action at Ambassador Bridge and Southwest Detroit's 3rd police precinct.
Land address: c/o Active Transformation, PO Box 11508, Detroit, MI 48211
Telephone: 313.841.0838
Fax: 313.841.0071
Email: risinupangry@hotmail.com

Eugene, Oregon
* Eugene Active Existence
Plans: Carnival Against Capital - Reclaim, Revolt, Remember
Land address: P.O. Box 11331, Eugene, Oregon 97440
Email: eae@efn.org
Web site: http://fruitiondesign.com/eae/

Gainesville, Florida
* Plans: Labor videos, march/critical mass, speakout, picnic, dance party, etc. and pirate radio broadcast of the events. On April 28-30, campout in Ocala National Forest with workshops on labor history, diy health, practical anarchism, genetic engineering, globalization (WTO/IMF etc.), radical cheerleading, radical women's history, sustainability, homebrewing, polyamory, pagan culture, kids crafts, midwifery, herbalism, composting, etc., an acoustic music festival, and much involvement from Food Not Bombs, Earth First, IWW, and the Radical Cheerleaders.
Land address: P.O. Box 2671, Gainesville, FL 32602-2671
Telephone: (727) 538-9050
Email: or
Web site: www.geocities.com/maydayflorida/

Hamptons, Long Island
* Samm
Email: mizanthropic@yahoo.com
Web site: http://come.to/ms.anthropy

Lincoln, Nebraska
* Email: kevin@dsndata.com

Long Island
* May Day 2000 Organizing Committee (Modern Times Collective, LI Students for Peace and Justice, etc.)
Plans: May Day 2000 Campaign: DIY Flea Market (Feb 11); teach-in on IMF, World Bank, and WTO (Feb 15 & 17); 'Seattle was only the Beginning' Youth Conference (March 4); protest in Washington, D.C. against IMF and World Bank (April 16); Street Party and Critical Mass against Neo-Liberalism (April 29)
Email: mayday2000@aao.net or mtc@aao.net
Web site: www.aao.net

Los Angeles, California
* LAM1 Collective
Reclaim The Streets in Beverly Hills
Mailing Address: Black Star Collective, PO Box 88732,
LA, CA 90009, USA
Telephone: (310)712-5492
Email: LAMayday@disinfo.net
* contact for anarchist organizing
Email: jhendric@csulb.edu

Madison, Wisconsin
* Wisconsin Earth Day to May Day Coalition
Plans: Earth Day to May Day events
Telephone: 608-255-1800 and 608-262-9036
Land address: 31 University Square, Taychopera, Madison, Wisconsin 53713
Email: not known
Contact: Jefe
Email: cwgea@hotmail.com

Minneapolis, Minnesota
* May Day Organizing Collective
(We meet every Thursday at 6:00 at Guslucky's, 16th Ave. and Lake St.)
Plans: At 11 am, Peavey Plaza (11th and Nicollet) Downtown Mpls. We're taking over one of the nerve centers of Global Capitalism and transforming it into a spoce of community and
Revolution... March, Rally, Direct Action, Music, Fun.
Telephone: (612) 676-2188
Email: maydaympls@hotmail.com or maydaympls@hotmail.com
* power4u
Email: power4u@mtn.org

New Orleans, Louisiana
* MayDay organizing committee for New Orleans, LA
Plans: A campaign to raise New Orleanians out of poverty, to raise the minimum wage to $12 an hour, for May Day to be a legal holiday, and to erase all debts owed by workers. Also actions.
Phone number: (504) 945-4652 or (504) 897-3310
Web Site: http://www.angelfire.com/la2/neworleansanarchists/mayday.index
Email: or

New York City, New York
* Email: Nitsu1999@aol.com
Discussion list: Join by sending an email to .
* the Surveillance Camera Players (SCP)
Plans: At 9 am, Eastern Standard Time, on 1 May, performance in front of two so-called webcams installed in the windows of Lindy's Restaurant, at 45th Street and Broadway, Times Square, Manhattan. Attend in person or watch at www.earthcam.com/usa/newyork/timessquare/cam1.html or, if your browser can't handle Java scripting, www.earthcam.com/usa/newyork/timessquare/cam1_nojava.html; or at www.earthcam.com/usa/newyork/timessquare/cam3.html or, if your browser can't handle Java scripting www.earthcam.com/usa/newyork/timessquare/cam3_nojava.html
Email: notbored@panix.com

Northwest USA
* Email: kitchenwitchrune@yahoo.com

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
* Billy Novotny (President of the Student Coalition at the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma)
Plans: Non-violent demonstration in downtown Oklahoma City consisting of posting flyers, sidewalk chalking, and other possible protest actions.
Email: bilnovo@email.msn.com
Web site: http://ablyss.homestead.com

Olympia, Washington
* Mayday Action Committee
Plans: Groups and individuals working together for a weeklong festival/conference with awareness raising, and preparation for enormous direct action and celebration on May 1.
Meetings: Sundays at 3 p.m. at the Praxis community organizing center
Telephone: (1) 360-236-8859
Email: mayday2k@graffiti.net
Web site: www.mayday2k.org/oly

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
* possibly Philadelphia Direct Action Network (yet to be decided)
Plans: Action in Philadelphia or traveling to New York.
Email: danceandscream@gardener.com
Telephone: 1-888-341-6587 (voicemail for Philadelphia based Animal Defense
League - PA)

Philadelphia / New York City / Washington DC area
* Plans: Carnival against capitalism
Contact: Zeljko (Jake) Cipris
Land address: 90 Undercliff Road, Millburn, NJ 07041
Telephone: 973-467-6773
Email: Zcipris@aol.com

Phoenix, Arizona
* Arizona Direct Action
Email: scarab@futureone.com
Discussion list: To join the Southwest USA regional mailing list, go to , or send a blank email to .

Portland, Oregon
* Liberation Collective
Not directly organizing any of the actions, but a resource for those looking to get involved. Provides planning meeting times for the different contingents or dates and times of the Mayday events.
Plans: Several actions across the city to celebrate Mayday, including marches, street parties, and a picnic.
Land address: 2 NW 3rd Ave, Portland, OR 97209
Telephone: (503) 525-4975
Email: libco@mail.com

Riverside, California
* Email: tuned_out_1999@yahoo.com

San Francisco, California
* Thorn
Plans: Presumably larger action.
Land address: Box 138, Boonville, CA 95415
Email: thorn@pacific.net
Telephone: 707-937-4551 or, on Th & Fr, 707-468-1660
Fax to: attention'thorn' (Mendocino Environmental Center) 707-462-2370
* Plans: Big May Day celebration, probably some sort of celebration on Sunday, and action(s)/celebration(s) on Monday.
Email: sfmayday2000@yahoo.com
Telephone: 415 339-7801 x2

Seattle, Washington
* Students for Economic Democracy (University of Washington)
Plans: Mobilize students to participate in city-wide actions. Also events leading up to M1, including Int'l Women's Day, IMF teach-in, and Non-Corporate Earth Day.
Contact: seastar
Email: seastar@outlawmail.com
Web site: http://students.washington.edu/nowto/
* Seattle I.W.W.
Plans: Labor/Neighbor May Day Celebration Regrade Park, Belltown, 5pm. A cultural and politcal event that will include music and speakers, emphasize the need to re-recognize the real Labor Day, and its importance to the struggle for the here and now.
Land address: 5215 Ballard Ave NW, Seattle, WA 98117
Telephone: 206-706-6250
Email: bp172@scn.org

Shelton, Connecticut
* Email: Pnywise123@aol.com
News group / message board: ctAnarchy@onelist.com

Springfield, Illinois
* nameless anarchist group
Plans: Festival. Anyone from the area, please attend! Free music, giant puppet, drum circle, play hooky from work!
Land address: P.O. Box 2407, Springfield, IL 62705
Telephone: (217) 528-7879
Email: zomba@cityscape.net

Washington, District of Colombia
* Mid-Atlantic Infoshop
Plans: See web sites below. Leaning towards creative and fun activities. Also encouraging folks to go to New York City.
Email: chuck@tao.ca
Web sites: http://www.disfigurine.com/mayday/ (D.C. events) and http://www.infoshop.org/mayday2000.html (May Day around the world)
* Global Unity Movement
Plans: Caravan from California to Washington D.C. to shutdown the IMF and World Bank meetings on April 16-17. In further planning we will probably have more of an idea of where we will be on May 1. We are looking for any kind of support on the East Coast.
Email: globalunity@home.com


North Wales
* Email: dewijac@yahoo.com



The mailing lists below may be suitable for discussions and co-ordinative work surrounding the Mayday 2000 Global Day of Action. Please note that the lists are public and that anyone can subscribe to them; therefore be careful about what you write.
Please do set up a list for your own language, country or city, if you feel it is needed!
Some companies give you a free email address you can name by yourself and that will not be easily traceable to you. The company may choose to reveal your identity, so it is not 100% 'safe'. Free email providers include www.hotmail.com, www.yahoo.com, www.mailexcite.com, www.rocketmail.com, www.geocities.com, and www.mailcity.com.

* English (international discussion lists)
For discussion, co-ordination, and announcements surrounding the May 1 Global Day of Action. The primary language is English. There is one moderated and one unmoderated list.
** Moderated list .
This list aims at strictly organisational work around Mayday, which involves networking, announcements of planned actions, discussions about ideas for actions etc. Being moderated, the traffic on the list is not too intensive. A collective of moderators allows for the discussion to flow well without too much disruption. Join at www.onelist.com/subscribe/mayday2k-mod, or send a blank email to .
** Unmoderated list .
The original English-language international mailing list for MayDay, and although originally meant for strictly organisational work, this list has in effect developed into a forum for the international Mayday email activist community (or the few – currently around 230 people - who can handle much traffic) to make announcements, spread information, and conduct discussions about the broad range of issues that are of concern to the people of that community, although often of little or no bearing to strictly organisational work around Mayday. Members have access to a calendar and files area, where they are encouraged to place files (posters, flyers, stickers, etc.) Join at www.onelist.com/subscribe/mayday2k, or send a blank email to .

* Portuguese (international discussion list)
. Originally set up for communication around the November 30 Global Day of Action, this list lingers on as a suitable forum for discussing Mayday 2000. The primary language is Portuguese. Join by sending an empty note to .

* North America (continental discussion list)
Supports North American participation in activities connected with PGA. One immediate focus now will be Mayday 2000 actions. To join, send a message to . In the body of the message, include the following two lines:
subscribe pga-org

* Ireland (national discussion list)
Ireland specific anti-WTO mailing list. Join by sending a blank email to .

* New Zealand (national discussion list)
. A Mayday 2000 mailing list for New Zealand discussions. Join by sending a blank email to or visit http://www.onelist.com/community/NZMayDay2K . The list owner can be contacted at .

* United Kingdom (national discussion list)
. A Mayday 2000 mailing list for UK discussions. Join by sending a blank email to .

* Southwest USA (regional discussion list)
. The language of this list is English. To join, send a blank email to
or go to .

* Web co-ordination (subject specific discussion list)
. A forum for people working with web sites and other internet resources around the Mayday 2000 Global Day of Action, to facilitate the discussion, dissemination, and co-ordination of these resources. To subscribe, please send an email to .

* Anti-border and migration control actions
(subject specific discussion list)
. For internationally discussing and coordinating decentralized actions against borders and migration control in the context of Mayday 2000. To join, send an email to with the command "subscribe bordermayday" (without quotes) in the body of the message. For help, send an email with the command "help".

* Anarchoprop (subject specific discussion list)
Email list dedicated to propaganda. People and groups post the texts of their pamphlets etc., for anyone to copy and use. To join, send an empty message to .
For more information, email .


Subscribers to the news group below will receive regular information by email about the major developments surrounding the Mayday 2000 Global Day of Action. (See section III. A. Discussion Lists above for how to get a free email address.)

* Mayday 2000 (international news group)
Regular, low-traffic information (2 to 4 messages per week) surrounding Mayday: translations of the Mayday 2000 information text, updates of the international contacts and resources list, information about mailing lists and major web sites, updates about preparations and events leading up to Mayday, and eventually reports from the actions of the day itself. Please send an empty email message to to join.


Members of the club below will be able to access a special Mayday site on the internet where they can post messages on the message board (much like a discussion mailing list, although not done over email), chat online, upload photos, add links, invite other activists, and schedule events.

* Global Day of Mass Protests

A club dedicated to discussing and promoting the Mayday protests, and opportunities to take action.


Below is a list of web sites with information relevant to M1.
If you want to set up a web page, some companies provide space in return for advertising on your pages. Be warned that they may remove your pages if they do not like what you say. Free page providers include www.geocities.com and www.tripod.com .

* (en) International Lobster Party

Contact: lobster_party@hotmail.com
(Full international contacts list. Groups intending to take action can directly submit their contact info to the International Contacts and Resources List, by filling in a form on the web site. Many downloadable resources for co-ordination and promotion. Links to other Mayday sites and to Mayday history.)

* (en) Mid-Atlantic Infoshop
Contact: chuck@tao.ca
(Links to several local Mayday sites around the world.)

* (en) Mayday 2k

* (en) WTO Caravan (Canada)
(Info on M1 events across Canada; a nice collection of M1 banners. Focus on the PGA.)

* (en) Mayday Florida 2000

* (en) New Zealand MayDay2K

* (en) Protest.Net
Contact: rabble@Protest.Net
(The full Mayday 2000 International Contacts and Resources List, though possibly not the most recent one.)

* (en) Global Action

* (fi) (en) AMR Helsinki or
Contact: amr_hki@hotmail.com
(General international Mayday information. Some banners and links.)

* (de) MayDay Germany

* (it) Mayday in Italy

(Information about Mayday 2000 in Italian. Information on events, actions and contacts for Mayday 20000 in Italian speaking countries.
Informazioni su Mayday 2000 in italiano. Informazioni su eventi, iniziative e contatti per Mayday 2000 in paesi di lingua italiana.)

* (tu) Working Group of Turkey Against Mai and Globalization

Contact: antimai@antimai.org
(Turkish only at the moment.)

* (en) Manchester May Day 2000
Contact: nnc@mayday2000.fsnet.co.uk
(Manchester focus.)

* (en) Mayday 2000 in London
(London focus.)

* (en) Chicago Mayday Coalition

* (en) Long Island

* (en) Olympia

* (en) Washington DC

* (en) Sheffield Mayday


This web ring is for web sites around the Global Days of Action against Capitalism (J18, N30, the upcoming April 16th protests against the IMF and the World Bank, and also Mayday 2000). The web ring will contribute to the sense of international solidarity around these Days, allow for an easy way for interested people to see what is happening, increase the number of hits for each site, and also help to connect older sites to more recent campaigns. To join, fill in and submit a form at . When the site is approved, you will receive an HTML fragment, which, when added to your web site, will connect it to the rest of the ring. For further inquiries, please contact .


Updated, concise text about the Mayday 2000 Global Day of Action, including basic information about how to get involved (mailing lists and news group) plus web sites and references. It can be used to spread information about Mayday 2000, promote it, and build up networks around it. Substantial parts of the most recent version are included below, in section IV.
The text has been translated into different languages, and these translations are displayed at www.lobsterparty.org .
To get any of them as a file, either download from that site or see instructions below.

* Arabic Download from www.lobsterparty.org or write to with the subject line:
“Request: Arabic translation of Mayday information text”

* Catalan Download from www.lobsterparty.org or write to with the subject line:
“Request: Catalan translation of Mayday information text”

* Czech Download from www.lobsterparty.org or write to with the subject line:
“Request: Czech translation of Mayday information text”

* English Download from www.lobsterparty.org or write to with the subject line:
“Request: Mayday 2000 information text”

* Finnish Download from www.lobsterparty.org or write to with the subject line:
“Request: Finnish translation of Mayday information text”

* French Download from www.lobsterparty.org or write to with the subject line:
“Request: French translation of Mayday information text”

* German Download from www.lobsterparty.org or write to with the subject line:
“Request: German translation of Mayday information text”

* Greek Download from www.lobsterparty.org, find at www.geocities.com/j18hellas/1may.html or write to .

* Italian Download from www.lobsterparty.org or write to with the subject line:
“Request: Italian translation of Mayday information text”

* Portuguese Download from www.lobsterparty.org or write to with the subject line:
“Pedido: Proposta para Dia de Acção Global 1 de Maio”

* Spanish Download from www.lobsterparty.org or write to with the subject line:
“Request: Spanish translation of Mayday information text”

* Swahili Download from www.lobsterparty.org .

* Swedish Download from www.lobsterparty.org or write to with the subject line:
“Önskas: Svensk översättning av Mayday-information”

* Turkish Download from www.lobsterparty.org or write to with the subject line:
“Request: Turkish translation of Mayday information text”

NEEDED: Translators !!! To make Mayday information available in every language, now especially Dutch, Chinese, Hindi, Urdu, Hungarian, Bulgarian, Greek, Serbo-Croatian, Indonesian, African languages, Thai, and Vietnamese. Ca 1400 words. Translations are displayed at www.lobster1.dircon.co.uk/


Includes contact information of all Mayday 2000 contacts around the world who plan action, as well as information of major resources available, such as mailing lists, web sites, and texts.
Download from http://www.lobster1.dircon.co.uk/downloads/all_downloads.html or write to with the subject line:
“Request: Mayday 2000 International Contacts and Resources List”


* Global Grassroots Resistance Directory

A new-born world-wide directory with the ambitious aim of listing all the group in the world, in every country, that we might like to involve in a Global Day of Action against Capitalism. Today’s most extensive directory of its kind available on the internet, but still incomplete. (Help needed. Please contact with offers to help.)

* Soman’s Revolutionary Socialist Links Page

When coming to this page, click the link marked “links”, which will take you to an enormous and well-sorted directory of links to activist groups around the world. A good starting point for networking in any given country. On the links page, do not forget to check the link marked “addresses”, which leads to a few other very useful directories.

* Anarchist Yellow Pages

This is a list of alternative media outlets that will cover Mayday 2000 actions from all over the world.

* Direct Action Media Network (DAMN)
DAMN is a news service that gathers and distributes multi-media coverage of progressive protests, demonstrations, marches, strikes and other types of actions. DAMN news reaches thousands of activists, soon-to-be-activists and interested non-activists around the world through our mailing lists (damn@tao.ca) and web site (http://damn.tao.ca). We will work with www.indymedia.org to provide a place for you to post information about your actions on Mayday 2000.
Print Team Coordinator for DAMN's Mayday 2000 coverage is Rachel Rinaldo. Articles may be emailed to the damn list: damn@tao.ca or directly to Rachel at rarinald@midway.uchicago.edu (email either as part of text or as attachment is OK). Photos can either be included as attachments in email, or sent as hard copy to Rachel. Let us know if someone else took photographs or if you know of any video or audio reports done about the event. To post multimedia reports you may go to "www.rewire.org" which will allow them to go straight up to the indymedia.org web site.
For more information, contact Rachel Rinaldo, 2057 N. Albany #3 South, Chicago, IL 60647, USA, rarinald@midway.uchicago.edu, Phone/Fax: 773-645-1726
For more information on DAMN, including DAMN’s guidelines for how to write reports, check out our web site at "http://damn.tao.ca" or drop a line at if you have any questions.


Activists in Prague, Czech Republic are preparing to make September 27-28 this year the next occasion for global action against capitalism, so that it will coincide with the annual meeting between the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank taking place in Prague at that time. Please note that no international call for action has as yet been launched officially.

There is a mailinglist working at the moment to prepare the actions and so on in Prague. Subscribe by sending an empty e-mail to .

For more information about the September 26-27 Global Days of Action against Capitalism, see www.destroyimf.org, www.bankwatch.org or www.mmf2000.webjump.com

May 1 will be the next Global Day of Action against Capitalism after June 18 and November 30 last year. Many groups around the world are preparing for this event, in recognition that the capitalist system, based on the exploitation of people, societies and the environment for the profit of a few, is the prime cause of our social and ecological troubles. May 1 will offer a perfect symbolic and real opportunity to build up our struggles against it. Activists in New York are planning to close down Wall Street, and in London there will be a four-day long carnival against capitalism. Other major cities involved are Sydney (Australia), Toronto, Vancouver (Canada), Liverpool, Manchester, Sheffield (England), Hamburg (Germany), Rome (Italy), Auckland (New Zealand), Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Detroit, Los Angeles, New Orleans, San Francisco, Seattle, and Washington (USA). The international contacts list, which is growing every day now, includes groups and coalitions in 21 countries and more than 70 cities around the world. In addition, May 1 has been endorsed as a Day of Action by the Peoples’ Global Action (PGA) international conference in India in August.
May 1 proceeds from the successes of the previous Global Days of Action against Capitalism on June 18 and November 30 last year, and expands on them in the same spirit. Through those Days of Action our networks grew, we learned much, and we saw many new people engage themselves. May 1 will continue this process of building up a strong, bold, and creative grassroots movement against the exploitation and oppression of people, communities, and the environment, and for solidarity, co-operation, grassroots democracy, and ecological sustainability. It will foster networking and shared organizing within our communities. For since diverse issues often can be considered from point of view of a comprehensive critique of the capitalist system, May 1 will be a good opportunity for bringing separate struggles and actions together. While also raising awareness about local and global issues, and about their interrelationship, the Day will increase global solidarity. The Day will thus facilitate mobilization for large-scale actions, which can have an empowering effect on individuals and communities alike.
As on previous occasions, people of different movements and different countries will therefore join forces on this Day against the social, political, and economic institutions of the capitalist system. Workers, the unemployed, students, trade unionists, peasants, the landless, fishers, women groups, ethnic minorities, indigenous peoples, peace activists, environmental activists, ecologists, and so on will work in solidarity with one another in the understanding that their various struggles are not isolated from each other. The simultaneous occupation and transformation of the capitalist social order around the globe – in the streets, neighbourhoods, fields, factories, offices, commercial centres, financial districts, and so on – will strengthen mutual bonds at the local, national, and international levels.
As before, the Day will be organised in a non-hierarchical way, as a decentralised and informal network of grassroots groups that employ non-authoritarian, grassroots democratic forms of organisation, struggle independent of the social, political, and economic institutions of the capitalist system, and seek to effect change directly through their own action. Each event or action will be organised autonomously by each group, while coalitions of various movements and groups can be formed at the local, regional, and national levels. Each group chooses autonomously how to take part in the Day, whether for instance to campaign against the entire capitalist system as such or to concentrate on a single issue or aspect of it. A strategy that may be useful at the local level is that various groups co-operate in creating a surrounding atmosphere of carnival and festivity as a setting for their various actions.
Examples of conceivable actions are:
strikes - demonstrations - critical mass bike rides - carnivals - street parties - reclaiming streets, government land or office buildings for non-commersial and good activities - marches - music - dancing - speeches - handing out flyers - banner hangings - distributing community controlled newspapers - street theatre - building gardens - handing out free food - mock trade fairs - offering no interest loans outside major banks - solidarity actions - pickets - occupations of offices - blockades and shutdowns - appropriating and disposing of luxury consumer goods - sabotaging, wrecking, or interfering with capitalist infrastructure - appropriating capitalist wealth and returning it to the working people - declaring oneself independent from capitalism and authoritarian governments - setting up grassroots' community councils and holding meetings outside city halls - setting up economic alternatives, like workers' co-operatives - promoting economic alternatives to capitalist companies - promoting grassroots based forms of community organisation
If you or your group plan to join this Day of Action, please let others know as soon as possible, to facilitate networking and communication. There are several international mailing lists available for open discussions and co-ordination (see below). A public international contacts list is regularly posted to them in order to facilitate decentralized and non-hierarchic networking. To have your contact information added to it, please contact , indicating (a) the country and location in which you plan to take action, plus any other information you see fit, for instance (b) the name of your group, coalition or yourself, (c) the events or actions being planned, (d) your land address, (e) email address, (f) telephone number, (g) fax number or (h) web site.
There are many things we need to do, to make the best of May 1 at the global, local, and national levels. We need to spread information about it among as many suitable groups and movements as possible. We need to spread and share propaganda materials, such as leaflets and posters. And, in general, we need to share our experiences, thoughts and ideas with one other and help each other out. At the local level, information about the Day needs to be spread and discussed among groups and individuals, meetings need to be organized, events planned, leaflets printed and distributed, funds raised, laughter and conversation shared.
The process of building up our movements can and should be continued through further Global Days of Action against Capitalism in the future. Activists in Prague, Czech Republic are already preparing to make September 27-28 this year the next occasion for global action against capitalism, so that it will coincide with the annual meeting between the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank taking place in Prague at that time.
Any ‘inquiries’ or concerns about the Mayday Global Day of Action should be directed to other activists in your group, city, or country or on the various mailing lists, for us to mutually help each other with ideas and advise. There is noone in charge or pulling the strings for the Day. It will be a radically decentralised and non-hierarchic event entirely of our own creation in co-operation and solidarity with one another.

NEEDED: Translators !!! To make Mayday information available in every language, now especially Dutch, Chinese, Hindi, Urdu, Hungarian, Bulgarian, Greek, Serbo-Croatian, Indonesian, African languages, Thai, and Vietnamese. Ca 1400 words. Translations are displayed at www.lobster1.dircon.co.uk/


Mayday 2000 Global Day of Action (M1)
See for instance
www.infoshop.org/mayday2000.html or http://wtocaravan.org/mayday2k/ .

June 18, 1999 Global Day of Action (J18)
see www.infoshop.org/june18.html or www.j18.org

November 30, 1999 Global Day of Action (N30)
see http://go.to/n30 or www.seattlewto.org/n30

Peoples’ Global Action (PGA)
see www.go.to/agp or www.agp.org/agp/index.html
or contact

Prague, Czech Republic, September 27-28, 2000
see www.destroyimf.org, www.bankwatch.org or www.mmf2000.webjump.com

!!! P L E A S E F O R W A R D W I D E L Y !!!

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