Bolton on the Draft Resolution on North Korea
Remarks on the Draft Resolution on North Korea
John R. Bolton, U.S. Permanent Representative to the United
Remarks at a Security Council Stakeout
York City
July 14, 2006
AMBASSADOR BOLTON: Okay, good morning. Let me just say quickly that we've continued discussions this morning on the North Korea resolution. Not all of the Perm Five countries have complete instructions yet, but I think the direction we're moving in is quite possibly to a vote today. It's, of course, ten days since the missile launches. It is important to send a strong signal from the Security Council. We believe it should be a Chapter 7 resolution. That remains our view and the view of Japan. We'll continue to be talking to other members of the Council today, but as I say, ten days is a long time, and it's time for a decision.
REPORTER: Do you have agreement on China and Russia's part that they will support a Chapter 7?
AMBASSADOR BOLTON: We do not have agreement at this point.
REPORTER: Where's the compromise going to be to avoid a veto? Is it on Chapter 7on mandatory sanctions? Is it on international peace and security?
AMBASSADOR BOLTON: We have worked our way through a considerable amount of language discussion, and I think the co-sponsors are willing to go a long way toward accommodating many of the Russian and Chinese concerns. But I think on the importance of a clear, binding Chapter 7 resolution, of course Chapter 7 language is language we use in probably hundreds of Security Council resolutions. That is the basic jurisdiction of the Security Council, dealing with threats to and breaches of international peace and security, so it should not be overly difficult for the Council to agree on that and we would hope of course that no permanent member would veto a resolution designed to deal with what is obviously a threat to international peace and security.
REPORTER: Are you saying there may be a vote on the new text?
AMBASSADOR BOLTON: Well, we're still in consultation on that, but that's one possibility. The other possibility would be to go to a vote on the text that we put in blue one week ago today, Friday – one week ago today.
REPORTER: (inaudible)
Ambassador Bolton: There are changes we've been discussing that, in the case of some of the language, we think, strengthens the previous text. But what we're looking for is to find a way to bring this to a conclusion. We think it needs to be decided by the Security Council, or if there's going to be a veto, which we hope to avoid. But if there is to be a veto there comes a time when countries have to go into that chamber and raise their hand.
REPORTER: Ambassador, are you saying there are still ongoing negotiations, talks, whatever, on this resolution?
REPORTER: In other words, before you reach the point of deciding to hold a vote or not, there could still be some additional modifications or changes?
AMBASSADOR BOLTON: We had yesterday three long meetings of the Perm Five plus Japan. We had another meeting this morning. We have tried to be as accommodating as we could, take their concerns into account. We're certainly prepared to continue to do that, but as I say, now ten days since the seven missiles were launched, there comes a time when you have to put this to a decision. Yes, ma'am.
REPORTER: Don't you think that given China's opinions that it will veto if it doesn't get the three clauses that it wants changed?
AMBASSADOR BOLTON: I'm not entirely sure that in the bargaining that we're going through that that's necessarily going to result in a veto. But as I say, there comes a point where you have to make a decision that putting what is a fair, not harsh, not punitive resolution before the Council to decide, and let the world see what people vote. Okay, I'll talk to you all later.
Released on July 14, 2006