Greenpeace to set up whale graveyard at Parliament
Greenpeace to set up whale graveyard at Parliament today
Wellington, 23 April, 2009 – Greenpeace supporters will set up a whale graveyard in front of the Beehive at 12.30pm in reaction to further details released today of a proposal being considered by the International Whaling Commission which could legitimise commercial whaling and allow hunting to continue in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary.
Greenpeace is campaigning for a definite and swift end to commercial whaling including all whaling in the Southern Ocean.
The group will gather, from midday, at the corner of Molesworth St and Lambton Quay and is expected to arrive at the Beehive at 12.30pm.
They will be demonstrating with more than 100 whale tail cutouts symbolising what is at stake.
“Our Government has a choice. Support a proposal that could result in a real whale graveyard or fight for a proposal which protects the future of whales,” said Greenpeace Executive Director Bunny McDiarmid who will speak at the protest.