UN Envoy Deplores Takeover Of Palestinian Homes
UN Envoy Deplores Takeover Of Palestinian Homes By
Israeli Settlers
New York, Jul 29 2010 1:10PM
The United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process has deplored today’s forcible takeover by armed Israeli settlers of a building in Jerusalem’s Old City that housed nine Palestinian families, and called on the Government to take immediate action.
“I call on the Israeli authorities to remove the settlers from the property and restore the status quo ante,” Robert Serry said in a "http://unispal.un.org/UNISPAL.nsf/47D4E277B48D9D3685256DDC00612265/6FFA695F295A90F48525776F00548398" statement, describing the events as “unacceptable.”
The move follows the destruction by Israeli authorities yesterday of a number of Palestinian commercial structures on the outskirts of East Jerusalem.
“These provocative acts come at a critical time in the international community’s efforts to move the peace process forward,” the envoy stated.
He called on Israel to heed the call of the diplomatic Quartet – comprising the UN, European Union, Russia and the United States – to refrain from provocative actions in East Jerusalem, including house demolitions and evictions.
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and senior UN officials have in recent months voiced concern about forced evictions, house demolitions and expanded settlement activity, while urging Israel to honour its commitments under the Road Map, the internationally approved plan for a two-State solution to the Middle East conflict.