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Intention experiments, interdimensional UFOs

Intention experiments, interdimensional UFOs, and multi-dimensional beings converge at Mt. Adams WA

August 3, 3:47 PM Seattle Exopolitics Examiner Alfred Lambremont Webre

Over the July 4, 2010 weekend, this reporter Alfred Lambremont Webre returned to the source of the modern era of flying saucers - the Cascade mountain range in Washington State - and to the interdimensional portals surrounding Mt. Adams, including the portals at the ECETI Ranch at the foot of Mt. Adams for the 2010 Science, Spirit & World Transformation Conference.

The result was a magical, interdimensional ‘Inter-dependence Day’ weekend with numerous documented UFOs, including a UFO documented following the International Space Station (ISS) as it orbited over Mt. Adams immediately after an intention experiment on the night of July 3, 2010; an interdimensional ET/UFO probe documented right after an intention experiment with a group ‘laughter’ meditation on the night of July 4, 2010; and an interdimensional ET/UFO that flew around an outdoor circle formed by approximately 200 conference participants on the night of July 3, 2010.

It is uncertain whether the UFO following the International Space Station (ISS) in the July 3, 2010 videos taken at Mt Adams is the unmanned Russian cargo ship Progress 38, which docked with the ISS on Sunday July 4, 2010 at 12:17 p.m. EDT (1617 GMT). The previous, failed docking of the Progress 38 unmanned cargo ship was on Friday July 2, 2010.

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NASA spokesperson Stephanie Schierholz stated to this reporter that "it was safe to assume" that the UFO was the Progress 38 unmanned Russian space cargo. The ECETI videos have been forwarded to NASA spokesperson Stephanie Schierholz for further review and analysis by NASA.

Videos of these interdimensional UFO experiences can be seen in the article below.

Other documented past visitors at Mt. Adams ECETI interdimensional portals include a 10 foot tall intelligent feline extraterrestrial, and an interdimensional being in the Marian archetype (who may be an upper-dimensional extraterrestrial from a constellation in this galaxy), that were photographed by Kan, a Japanese monk and teacher at the ECETI Ranch. Kan’s photographs of these multi-dimensional beings and Vancouver UFO Examiner Jon Kelly’s photographs of the hyperdimensional UFOs that appeared at the 2010 conference are included in a special slide show in the below.

Describing Mt. Adams, one source states, "Mount Adams is a potentially active stratovolcano in the Cascade Range and the second-highest mountain in the U.S. state of Washington. Adams is a member of the Cascade Volcanic Arc, and is one of the arc's largest volcanoes, located in a remote wilderness approximately 31 miles (50 km) east of Mount St. Helens. The Mount Adams Wilderness comprises the upper and western part of the volcano's cone. The eastern side of the mountain is part of the Yakama Nation.

"Mt. Adams asymmetrical and broad body rises 1.5 miles (2.4 km) above the Cascade crest. Its nearly flat summit was formed as a result of cone-building eruptions from separated vents. Air travelers flying the busy routes above the area sometimes confuse Mount Adams with nearby Mount Rainier, which has a similar flat-topped shape.

"Native Americans in the area have composed many legends concerning the three 'smoking mountains' that guard the Columbia River. According to the Bridge of the Gods tale, Wy'east (Mount Hood) and Pahto (Mount Adams; also called Paddo or Klickitat by native peoples) were the sons of the Great Spirit. The brothers both competed for the love of the beautiful La-wa-la-clough (Mount St. Helens). When La-wa-la-clough chose Pahto, Wy'east struck his brother hard so that Pahto's head was flattened and Wy'east took La-wa-la-clough from him (thus attempting to explain Adams' squat appearance). Other versions of the story state that losing La-wa-la-clough caused Pahto such grief that he dropped his head in shame."

Physicist Nassim Haramein tells us that the sun is the singularity or interdimensional portal to our solar system, and the Seattle Exopolitics Examiner has documented how giant UFOs appear to be accessing our solar system through the star gate in our sun.

Volcanoes like Mt. Adams - Nassim Haramein also tells us - are the planet’s singularities, and are interdimensional portals or star gates for entry into our 3rd dimension ‘airspace’ of interdimensional probes by intelligent ET civilizations and multi-dimensional beings.

This reporter Alfred Lambremont Webre personally witnessed numerous interdimensional UFO probes occurring at the ECETI Ranch at the foot of Mt. Adams every evening from July 1 through July 4, 2010. A number of specific experiments were undertaken to intentionally trigger interdimensional UFO probes through meditation and intention exercises. These exercises appear to have been successful, as demonstrated by the videos in the article below.

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