Reader Supported News 14 January
Reader Supported News | 14 January 11
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Cory | American Madness
John Cory, Reader
Supported News
John Cory writes: "We are mad, mad as
hatters - absolute bonkers, gone 'round the bend and back
again without so much as a how-do-you-do. Don't believe me?
We've just witnessed a horrific mass shooting and what is
our reaction? Glock sales have spiked. One Congressman says
we need more people armed on the streets because we all know
that nothing protects innocent life like a mob of armed
citizens shooting back and forth at one another."
Paul Krugman | A Tale of
Two Moralities
Paul Krugman, The New York Times
Paul Krugman writes: "Today's GOP sees much of what the
modern federal government does as illegitimate; today's
Democratic Party does not. When people talk about partisan
differences, they often seem to be implying that these
differences are petty, matters that could be resolved with a
bit of good will. But what we're talking about here is a
fundamental disagreement about the proper role of
WikiLeaks Exposes the
Danger of Pakistan's Nukes
Fred Branfman, Truthdig
Fred Branfman writes: "The single most significant
revelation of the State Department cables released by
WikiLeaks is that US policy is actually increasing the
danger of a nuclear incident. The US has so alienated the
Pakistani people that their government fears cooperating
with Washington on nuclear matters."
Private Contractors to
Replace Troops in Iraq?
Aaron C. Davis, The
Washington Post
Aaron C. Davis writes: "Planning is
underway to turn over to the State Department some of the
most prominent symbols of the US role in the war - including
several major bases and a significant portion of the Green
Zone. The department would use the bases to house a force of
private security contractors and support staff that it
expects to triple in size, to between 7,000 and 8,000, US
officials said."
Petition: Congressional
Action on Political Violence Advocacy
Supported News, Petition
Please join with us in our
demand for action by Congress and the Justice Department to
confront through non-violent means the words and deeds that
foment violence in American politics.