Philippines: Telltale Signs
February 15, 2011
An article by Rodel E. Rodis published
by the Asian Human Rights
Telltale Signs: Judicial chicanery in Webb &
Five cases
Philippine Supreme Court exhibited chicanery in its February
8, In reaching this decision, the Court had
to address the issue of These were the
same two issues addressed in the Court's December
14, In that decision, the
majority of the SC justices rejected the trial Alfaro had
testified at the court trial that she was with Webb
and According to her
testimony, Alfaro went with Hubert Webb, Antonio As Justice Villarama describes it, "as
she walked in, she saw Webb on "Webb gave Alfaro a meaningful look and she
immediately left the After the three men
left the Vizconde home, Alfaro said that she After the prosecution completed
its case, Webb testified that he was The
majority of the justices determined that Alfaro
had In his dissent, Justice Martin
Villarama agreed with the trial court One of the
defendants in the Webb case, police officer Gerardo
Biong, Based
largely on Alfaro's eyewitness testimony, the trial
court In April 2010, Webb’s lawyers pursued
another tact and filed an The Supreme Court acquitted Webb and
his accomplices because most of In the Abadilla 5 case, the Supreme Court was
faced with the same two Col. Rolando Abadilla was the head of
the dreaded Military On June 13, 1996, Abadilla was ambushed and killed
on a Quezon City Because Abadilla had boasted that NPA
assassins could never kill him There was only one eyewitness to the
ambush-killing of Abadilla - Six
days after the killing, the police investigators presented
Alejo De Jesus was then interrogated with some of the
most brutal torture After the accused were presented to
the media by the police, Alejo Other than their
“confessions”, there was no forensic evidence Joel de Jesus was driving his passenger tricycle
in Fairview, Quezon In the course of the investigation and trial of the
Abadilla 5, the Members of
the NPA sparrow unit felt disrespected for not
getting The Court
ignored the personal testimonies of the accused and
their In his dissent, Justice Antonio Carpio said
it was evident that the Carpio said Alejo admitted in
his sworn statement that he could not In a separate dissenting opinion, Associate Justice
Roberto Abad also Nevertheless, the majority voted
to give credence to the decision of The same
legal issues were involved in the two cases but the
results ENDS
2011 decision denying “with finality” the appeal
of the five men
known as the “Abadilla 5” who were
convicted of the ambush killing
of Col. Rolando Abadilla
on June 13, 1996.
whether to respect or reject the
trial judge's determination of the
credibility of
witnesses. The Court also had to deal with the
of what weight to give to the forensic evidence
presented or not
presented in the case.
2010 decision acquitting Hubert Webb and his
companions for the
gang-rape and murder of 19-year-old
Carmela Vizconde along with the
murder of her 7-year-old
sister and their mother on June 30, 1991 at
their home in
Paranaque City, Metro Manila.
judge's determination that the prosecution's key
Jessica Alfaro, was credible.
his friends, one of whom was her boy friend, Peter
Estrada, when they
went to the Vizconde home on the night
of June 30, 1996 because Hubert
wanted to have Carmela
gang-raped for spurning his advances.
and Artemio Ventura inside the Vizconde home, while the
waited outside before Alfaro decided to go outside
to smoke. When she
returned, she said she saw Ventura
rifling through a lady's bag
looking for a car key, he
told her. When she went to the dining area,
she heard a
sound in the master's bedroom and went to see what
going on.
top of Carmela while she
lay with her back on the floor. Two bloodied
bodies lay
on the bed. Lejano was at the foot of the bed about to
his jacket. Carmela was gagged, moaning, and in
tears while Webb raped
her, his bare buttocks
room. She met Ventura at the dining
area. He told her, “Prepare an
escape. Aalis na
tayo.” Shocked with what she saw, Alfaro rushed out
the house to the others who were either sitting in her car
milling on the sidewalk. She entered her car and
turned on the engine
but she did not know where to go.
Webb, Lejano, and Ventura came out
of the house just
then. Webb suddenly picked up a stone and threw it
at the
main door, breaking its glass frame."
learned from
Webb what happened. "The first to be killed
Carmela’s mother, then Jennifer, and finally,
Carmella." Alfaro said
that Ventura blamed Webb for
killing the 7-year old sister of Carmela.
Webb explained
that while he was raping Carmela, the sister "jumped
him, bit his shoulders, and pulled his hair. Webb got
mad, grabbed the
girl, pushed her to the wall, and
repeatedly stabbed her."
in the US when the
gang-rape occurred presenting a photocopy of his
indicating a date of arrival in the Philippines after
heinous crime occurred. But one of the
prosecution’s witnesses was a
labandera (laundrywoman)
of the Webb family who testified that Webb
was in the
Philippines when the murders occurred and that she went
Hubert’s room on the morning after the gang-rape to
pick up
Hubert’s clothes to wash and saw him there
asleep. She said that
there was blood on Hubert’s shirt
as she had difficulty removing the
blood stains.
inconsistencies in her testimony and, because she was
an admitted drug
user, she should not have been believed
by the trial judge.
judge who “found
Alfaro as a credible and truthful witness,
the vast details she disclosed relative to the
she had witnessed inside the Vizconde house. The
trial court noted
that Alfaro testified in a categorical,
straightforward, spontaneous
and frank manner, and has
remained consistent in her narration of the
despite a lengthy and grueling cross-examination conducted
her by eight (8) defense lawyers.”
was charged with being an accessory after the fact
for destroying
evidence at the crime scene after he was
instructed by Hubert Webb to
“clean” the place. Biong
admitted that he stole Carmela’s
jewelry and sold them
to a pawnbroker obtaining 20,000 pesos for them.
was with him when he pawned Carmelita’s jewelry.
judgeon January 4, 2000, found all the accused
guilty as charged and
imposed a penalty of life
imprisonment. When the accused appealed the
decision, the
Court of Appeals (CA) affirmed the judgments
"urgent motion to acquit" after
learning that that the NBI no longer
had custody of the
semen specimen taken from the corpse of
the justices found Alfaro
not to be a “credible” witness and
because of the
absence of a semen sample that could have been used for
DNA check.
issues but the result was
markedly different.
Intelligence Security Group (MISG)
during the Marcos Dictatorship and
the MISG (where Ping
Lacson served as one of Abadilla’s top men)
notorious for its brutal torture methods and for its
summary execution
(“salvaging”) of suspected
road. Soon after the killing, the Alex
Boncayao Brigade (ABB), a
“sparrow unit” of the New
People’s Army (NPA), claimed credit
for the execution
to avenge what it said were the “blood
Abadilla accumulated during the years of the
Marcos regime.
despite their repeated
attempts to do so, Abadilla’s family refused
to accept
the NPA’s claim.
Freddie Alejo, a security
guard who claimed that he saw the faces of
the gunmen
“in a fleeting and extremely stressful manner.”
with a photo of Joel de Jesus whom a police officer
believed was
involved in the killing. No other photo was
presented to Alejo.
Several days later, the police picked
up De Jesus and presented him to
Alejo for
identification. Based on the photo that he was
with, Alejo identified De Jesus as one of the
tactics employed by Abadilla during
the Marcos years such as
suffocation with plastic bag
over his head, electrocution on the
genitals, water
torture and raw physical abuse. The tactics forced
Jesus to cough up the names of four people he knew
just to stop the
torture. The four -Lenido Lumanog,
Augusto Santos, Cesar Fortuna and
Rameses de Jesus –
were then picked up and subjected to the same
inflicted on De Jesus until they too signed
identified them as the
gunmen he said he saw at the scene.
fingerprints to tie any of the accused to the murder scene
all of them presented dozens of witnesses who
testified that they were
somewhere else when Abadilla was
City; Cesar Fortuna was at Camp Crame
for official business and his
presence was corroborated
by two police officials whom he had
transacted business
with; Augusto Santos was at the Jose Fabella
Hospital in
Manila visiting his brother-in-law, Jonas Ayhon,
wife had just given birth; and Rameses de Jesus and
Lenido Lumanog had
just left Manila for Mabalacat,
Pampanga where they stayed until the
evening of June
Abadilla family provided witness Alejo
with a job working for them at
the family home. (The SC
did not find this fact suspicious while
finding that
Alfaro's subsequent employment by the NBI as an
made her testimony incredible).
credit for their execution of Abadilla. Through a
Catholic priest, Fr.
Roberto Reyes, they presented police
authorities with proof of their
kill: Abadilla’s cal.
45 pistol and his Omega wristwatch. They also
pointed out
that the ballistics data collected at the crime
indicated that the bullets matched those used in
other assassinations
by the NPA sparrow unit.
corroborating witnesses and the NPA’s
acknowledgment of the kill.
Based entirely on the
“eyewitness” testimony of Alejo and on their
confessions, the “Abadilla 5” were found guilty by
Jaime Salazar of the Quezon City Regional Trial
Court and convicted
and sentenced to death, which was
later commuted to life imprisonment.
After the five
were convicted in 1999, they appealed their
and the appeal wound its way to the Supreme Court
denied their final appeal on February 8, 2011 in a
9-4 decision.
arresting officers had purposely
coached Alejo into identifying De
Jesus as the one who
poked a gun at him while he was guarding an
near the crime scene. The police “primed
conditioned Alejo to identify De Jesus as one of the
murderers of
remember the
physical attributes of the gunmen—aside from two
whom he later identified as De Jesus and Lorenzo
delos Santos, who was
eventually acquitted of the
charges.“The grave disparity between the
description of
the gunman in Alejo’s sworn statement and in
testimony greatly undermines (his) credibility,” he
doubted Alejo’s testimony and took
note of the court’s failure to
take “judicial
notice” of the fact that the communist Alex
Brigade (ABB) had claimed responsibility in
the trial judge as he
was the one who presided at the trial and could
the credibility of Alejo. The majority justices
discounted the lack of any forensic evidence linking
the accused to
the crime as being immaterial compared to
the “credible” testimony
of the witness.
were contradictory. Was the principle of “equal
protection of the
law” applied? Is it a coincidence
that the Webb defendants are
wealthy while the Abadilla 5