Secretary-General Urges Restraint In Kosovo
Secretary-General Urges Restraint In Kosovo After Clashes In North
New York, Jul 29 2011 7:10PM
Ban Ki-moon today called for restraint and calm in Kosovo,
where inter-ethnic tensions between Serbs and Albanians are
particularly high after repeated clashes in the north
earlier this week.
Mr. Ban met earlier today with Enver Hoxhaj, representing the Kosovo authorities, and voiced concern over the deteriorating situation in northern Kosovo, according to information <"">released by his spokesperson.
Ethnic Serbs attacked a border post yesterday, according to media reports, while Kosovo police units were also reportedly involved in clashes after trying to take over two border crossings earlier this week. At least one police officer has been killed.
During his meeting with Mr. Hoxhaj, Mr. Ban said “it was of vital importance that all actors refrain from any actions which could exacerbate the situation. He called for restraint and calm and in using the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina facilitated by the European Union to resolve issues.”
Sensitive issues relating to northern Kosovo can only be resolved through peaceful means, Mr. Ban stressed.
The meeting with Mr. Hoxhaj comes a day after
Mr. Ban met with Vuk Jeremic, Serbia’s Foreign Minister,
and Security Council members held consultations over the
latest developments.
Jul 29 2011