Harsh Sentences Given to Activists
BAHRAIN: UN Human Rights Office Concerned at Harsh Sentences Given to Activists
New York, Sep 30 2011 10:10AM
United Nations human rights office today voiced concern at
the harsh sentences handed down this week by a court in
Bahrain to 20 medical staff, two leaders of a teachers’
association and at least 32 other individuals.
The sentences range from three years’ imprisonment to the death penalty, Rupert Colville, spokesperson for the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), <"http://www.ohchr.org/EN/NewsEvents/Pages/DisplayNews.aspx?NewsID=11455&LangID=E">told a news conference in Geneva. The Court of National Safety, effectively a military court, also upheld the sentences of 21 others.
“For such harsh sentences to be handed down to civilians in a military court with serious due process irregularities raises severe concerns,” said Mr. Colville.
“We call on the Government to ensure that every detained person is charged with a recognizable criminal offence and has enough time to prepare a defence case,” he added.
The Government, which has been has engaged in a violent crackdown against protesters calling for greater democracy, has announced that all cases will be referred to civilian courts in October.
While OHCHR welcomes this announcement, it said that it is unclear how appeals by those who have been convicted in military courts will be handled in the civilian courts.
The Office has spoken out several times in recent months over harsh sentences issued by the Court of National Safety against protesters with charges ranging from participating in an illegal gathering, or expressing hatred of the Government, to actual crimes such as murder and destruction of property
Sep 30 2011