American Illegally Detained in Fiji
American Illegally Detained in
Open Letter From Ken Honig to a travel
agency concerning Fiji
Thank you for your follow up and sincere concern regarding the situation here in Fiji. As you are the owner of one of the largest South Pacific travel agencies in the U.S. that has sent tens of thousands of tourists here, I agree with your concerns about the arbitrary and capricious laws and rules currently applied in Fiji.
Yes, I have spent a large sum of money as a tourist
here since 1987 and since 1998 have invested over $4 million
U.S. Dollars here in projects that have created ongoing work
for many Fijians, but at this juncture I will be selling all
assets here and will terminate all business ties to Fiji.
Pursuant to your request, I will do my best to explain
to you the issue. Essentially, I have been forbidden to
leave Fiji by the Immigration Department at the request of
the "Bio Security" Department. I have NOT been charged with
any crime, yet Bio Security has told immigration to refuse
my exit and I simply cannot leave the country until .....???
I volunteered for a 2 hour interview/interrogation at
Taveuni Airport on the 20th, was issued a $1000 fine on
trumped up charges and was told I must pay the fine to leave
the country. My wife, my 4 year old daughter and my 8 year
old son were detained at Nadi Airport by Immigration (to
question my wife about me - they were ultimately allowed to
leave) and although I had paid the fine previously (without
acknowledging any guilt)I was detained, interrogated, and
refused permission to leave the country when I arrived at
the airport to meet my family later in the evening.
I am told there is an "American
Iguana" (no, the species does not exist) that I have been
accused of bringing into the country and that accusation is
the basis for my detainment. I have not found this lizard at
all on Yaroi, my 70 acre Qamea plantation I have owned since
Apparently my former property caretaker, Joe, told the Bio Security Dept in 2009 that I was responsible for the lizard importation. Jo Kolinibarava was hired in 1999 and "left" my property in 2009. I say "left" because I had been trying to terminate his employment since 2003 but he refused to leave my property. I filed police reports against Jo in Taveuni in 2004 and 2006 for various issues including burglary, breaking and entering, threats of violence and bodily harm, personal property destruction, selling my personal property, grand theft, theft of fuel, theft of cash crops, etc. The property general manager that resides in the Fijian capital, Suva, is a kind and generous man and would continually attempt to work with Jo after I would return stateside. Ultimately I cut off all funds to the property until my demand that Jo vacate the property was heard. After Jo vacated my property in 2009, he originally told Bio Security that I was the individual that had brought the lizard into the country in 2003, and then subsequently told them the year 2000. In the original interview, Jo told them I brought the lizards in a grey plastic container, but provided a clear plastic container as proof from some 8 to 11 years ago depending on the version of Jo’s story. As Los Angeles International Airport is one of the most security conscious airports in the world, I'm unclear as to how I brought the lizards here, as I understand their allegations. Nonetheless, that started the ball rolling and in 2010 a police unit with a Search Warrant searched the offices of my general manager in Suva and then escorted him to my property in Qamea and then proceeded to perform a thorough search of my property and personal residence for four plus hours. Nothing was found in the report filed by the police and the case against me was closed. When I arrived here on the 13th of Oct, Jerry Surumi, village manager of Naiivi Village informed Bio Security of my presence. Bio Security immediately reopened the case against me and as there is no constitution in place they have elected to detain me indefinitely (Jerry Surumi is currently under police investigation for stealing $30,000 of a $50,000 gift I gave to the village in 2009, has been fired as village manager, has stolen cash crops from my property and has physically attacked my general manager).
I am now
in Suva, Fiji awaiting an audience with Bio Security,
Immigration, Criminal Investigation Division (CID), and the
Prosecutor’s office. I have been detained here for one
week and the only movement in this issue against me is that
Bio Security has convinced the police to reopen their
criminal case against me. Meetings with Bio Security have
been scheduled by me and canceled by them. My legal counsel
has been provided no guidance or direction as to the
governments actions against me and is essentially chasing
their tail. I contacted the U.S. Embassy day one but they
have made it clear I am on my own. The government here has
recently booted out the Australian and New Zealand
Ambassadors and their relationship with the United States is
similar in nature. I have more than enough holdings here for
the government to grant my release and place a lien on my
property (which is what will eventually happen), yet right
now it is quite obvious this is strictly a show of power in
game where I could never know the rules.
October 18
Approached while fishing on
my boat in the middle of the ocean with my wife, 4 year old
daughter and 8 year old son by a village boat with several
people on board. With no identification and no uniforms
these people wanted to board my vessel and naturally I
refused them and moved away from them. Upon calling the
Matei Police Post to report this incident, I was informed
that these people were the police and Bio Security and they
wanted me "to assist them in an investigation". I made an
appointment to meet them at my property October 19th,
voluntarily, for an interview.
October 19
Bio Security
failed to show up for appointment
October 20
Again I
voluntarily made another appointment to meet with police and
Bio Security at the Matei Police Post for a half hour
interview as my family made our way back to Nadi to head
home to Los Angeles. The meeting lasted two hours, I was
directly accused by police of bringing lizards to Qamea.
Despite my protest, police wanted my passport and drivers
license "STRICTLY to let the US Embassy know of the
interview", which turned out to be completely untrue as the
Embassy does not ask for, nor is ever provided with this
information for a simple interview. Instead, police gave my
information to Bio Security so they could issue an immediate
cash fine to me for $1,000 for "failing to obey an order to
stop my vessel and allow them to board".
October 21
paid the $1,000 fine, specifically without acknowledging any
guilt, at the Nadi Bio Security office to enable me to leave
the country. While at that office, I spoke directly with Bio
Security legal officer Cama Tuberi who advised me that all
issues with me are now resolved.
October 22
I made a
telephone call to Bio Security CEO Elvis Silvistrini to
lodge a complaint and he told me to stay in Fiji to
"voluntarily assist with an ongoing investigation". After a
short detention at Nadi Airport, my wife and children were
allowed to leave the country. I arrived at the airport later
and was advised that I was not allowed to leave the country
by order of Bio Security.
October 24
I made a 2:00 p.m.
meeting to meet Bio Security in Suva with my legal counsel
and Bio canceled the meeting at 1:30p.m.
October 25
Security Legal Officer Cama canceled meetings with me and
counsel set for 10:00 a.m., 12:00, and 2:00p.m. Upon
arriving at Bio Security offices in Suva for a scheduled
3:00 p.m. meeting, they informed us that they had just
canceled that meeting as well.
November 2
There has
been no contact with Bio Security since October 25. They
have not talked to me, questioned me, charged me nor have
they allowed me "to assist them with an investigation"
however, I am not allowed to leave the country. Legal
officer Cama of Bio Security contacted my associate to
schedule a meeting today with myself, police, and my legal
counsel. When that meeting did not occur, my associate
called Cama to inquire as to what happened. Cama proceeded
to hang up the telephone on him. I immediately contacted CEO
Silvistrini and he claimed to know nothing about any of
these issues. I inquired when Bio would need me "to assist
them with an investigation" and Silvistrini replied "soon".
Silvistrini refuses to meet with me, talk with me, charge me
or release me.
November 3
TWO WEEKS. I have not assisted anybody with any
investigation as no one will speak with me. The only thing
that has happened in all of this time is that Bio Security
has asked the police to conduct the IDENTICAL investigation
that the police conducted almost two years
Interestingly, Bio Security has been doing their
best to place stories in the tv, radio, and newspaper almost
daily regarding the villainous American Iguana. Apparently
this species will attack, can blind you with one swipe of
their tail, infect you with salmonella from their
carnivorous, non-release bite, and will wipe out the fruit
and vegetable life on the islands. However, the villagers
claim in similar articles that the lizard is very difficult
to find or catch, and has become a new food source that
“tastes like chicken”.
November 5
Police have
cleared me again on their second investigation and issued a
clearance letter to Immigration. Bio Security agents have
called my associate at home to ask him privately for money.
I have been to the Director and Asst Director of Immigration
twice to get my name cleared to leave the country to no
avail as they refuse my requests unless they get a signed
document from Bio Security. Both the police and Dept of
Public Prosecution (DPP) have contacted Bio Security several
times to have my release letter issued, but Bio Security CEO
Elvis Silvestrini and Legal Officer Cama refuse to do so and
claim they are researching other methods of charging me. To
date, they have at best a $400.00 fjd (approx. $200.00 usd)
claim against me - should they charge me and I plead guilty
to that charge.
November 7
This evening I finally received a telephone call from
both Silvistrini and Cama. I was told in very simple terms
that this entire problem would go away if I made cash
payments directly to Silvistrini ($25,000) and Cama
($15,000). There would be no recordation or acknowledgement,
and nobody else in Bio Security, the Government, or my legal
team could know of this arrangement. If these payments were
not made, I could expect to stay in Fiji “a very long
November 8
Bio Security continues to refuse
a release letter. Today my attorney’s filed documents in
the Fiji High Court under the U.N. Human Rights Commission
Laws that will seek my release as well as criminal and civil
redress against Bio Security for my illegal
Today as well I was forced to cancel my 50th Birthday celebration, scheduled for November 12th. I had been planning this event since February and had rented out a restaurant/nightclub, hired two popular bands from the 1980's, and had a confirmed guest list of over 150 people. This cancellation will result in the loss of $40,000 in non refundable deposits. Today I also canceled a surfing trip to Nicaragua with my 8 year old son KJ scheduled for next weekend, canceled a mountain climbing expedition in the Andes scheduled for early December, was unable to attend a scheduled campout with my son KJ last weekend, and have missed numerous school functions with both of my children. I have been unable to participate in numerous business issues that need my immediate attention and that could result in future losses.
November 10
Three Weeks Detention To
Date. I made the decision to accede to the November 7th
telephone calls/extortion demands from the gentlemen in
charge of Bio Security and had my associates make cash
payments of $25,000 directly to CEO Elvis Silvistrini and
$15,000 directly to Legal Officer Cama. Obviously these were
illegal demands and I suspect illegal payments as the funds
were delivered in brown paper bags to Silvistrini and Cama
outside of the office. I was told I would have my release
letter by the end of the day, November 11th.
November 11 Ironically, this afternoon the High Court of Fiji issued a court order demanding my immediate release as well as my freedom to move around, in and out of Fiji without further harassment or detention. The court order also left the door wide open for me to pursue criminal as well as civil action against the government entity Bio Security. Unfortunately, I had already paid the extortion demands of Silvistrini and Cama as well. Immigration finally removed me from their blacklist a little before 5:00p.m., I caught the 7:00p.m. flight to the international airport in Nadi and boarded the 11:00p.m. flight home.