US General Told Israel That US Won't Join War on Iran
Thursday 2 February 2012
Joint Chiefs of Staff
Chairman Dempsey Told Israel That US Won't Join Their War on
Gareth Porter, Inter Press Service: "Chairman of
the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Martin Dempsey told Israeli
leaders Jan. 20 that the United States would not participate
in a war against Iran begun by Israel without prior
agreement from Washington, according to accounts from
well-placed senior military officers."
Read the Article
William Rivers
Pitt | This Is What I Know
William Rivers Pitt,
Truthout: "I said this a long time ago, many times over, but
it is worth repeating: I do not expect to see the things I
fight for happen in my lifetime. Matters have gone far
beyond that. I expect to fail, to die in defeat. That does
not matter to me. The fight is worth waging because these
things matter, and I intend to give the years I have left to
that fight, no matter the outcome."
Read the Article
Just the Facts:
Churches and the Contraceptive Coverage Mandate
Ludwig, Truthout: "The Obama administration's recent
decision to require all employers, with the exception of
churches and places of worship, to cover contraceptives in
health care plans continues to cause a firestorm of
controversy.... Misinformation on how the rules works has
leaked into the media."
Read the Article
Buddies: Adelsons Join Forces With Koch Brothers to Take
Down Obama
Josh Israel, ThinkProgress: "Between the
Kochs and the Adelsons, voters around the country should
expect to see what voters in Iowa, New Hampshire, South
Carolina, and Florida have seen in recent weeks: a seemingly
unending stream of dishonest attack ads, paid for by
billionaire-funded super PACs and tax-exempt organizations."
Read the Article
Secrecy Shrouds
"Super PAC" Funds in Latest Filings
Confessore and Michael Luo, The New York Times News Service:
"Newly disclosed details of the millions of dollars flowing
into political groups are highlighting not just the scale of
donations from corporation and unions but also the secrecy
surrounding 'super PACs' seeking to influence the
presidential race."
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How "Occupy Our
Homes" Can Win
Amy Dean, Truthout: "Since most of the
original Occupy encampments were evicted by wintertime, the
question now is, what's next for activists? One of the most
popular suggestions is 'Occupy Our Homes,' a campaign in
which occupiers around the country would do actions at
foreclosed houses or at bailed-out banks that are throwing
people out of their homes."
Read the Article
On the News With
Thom Hartmann: Indiana Becomes First Right-to-Work State in
Ten Years, and More
In today's On the News segment:
Indiana became the first state in ten years to become right
to work, Republicans in the House of Representatives voted
to extend the pay freeze for federal workers, 2012 might be
the year for marijuana legalization, the size of the
so-called terrorist no-fly list more than doubled last year,
and more.
Watch the Video and Read the Transcript
Taliban Captives Dispute US View on Afghanistan
Rod Nordland and Alissa J. Rubin, The New York
Times News Service: "More Taliban insurgents are being
killed or captured than ever before, yet when the captives
are interrogated by the American military, they remain
convinced that they are winning the war."
Read the Article
Bill Moyers | Six
Films on the Financial Crisis (Video)
Bill Moyers,
Moyers & Co.: "Given a theme as dramatic and consequential
as America's financial collapse, many filmmakers have risen
to the challenge of going behind the headlines to tell
important stories and make critical points that need to be
shared if we're to learn anything from the crisis. Below are
some of those important movies and documentaries. Please
share your own favorite financial-themed films in the
comments below."
Watch the Videos and Read the Article
John Pilger | The Assange Case Means That We Are All
Suspects Now
John Pilger, Truthout: "This week's
Supreme Court hearing in the Julian Assange case has
profound meaning for the preservation of basic freedoms in
Western democracies. This is Assange's final appeal against
his extradition to Sweden to face allegations of sexual
misconduct that were originally dismissed by the chief
prosecutor in Stockholm and constitute no crime in Britain."
Read the Article
Solutions: Slices of Change Could Save Billions
Rasor, Truthout: "Fueled by yearly budgets of over half a
trillion dollars, it would be expected that there would be
some people taking advantage of the situation to enrich
themselves. However, the Pentagon bureaucracy, the Congress
and the executive branch have tolerated or promoted so much
collusion between the DoD and their contractors that it is
now just part of doing business, with few willing to attempt
to reform it."
Read the Article
Four Reasons to
Watch the Super Bowl: Joe Hill, Joe Pa, Tebow, Wee
Robert Lipsyte, TomDispatch: "Most Americans
won't need a justification to watch Sunday's game, but if
you're a reader you might think, even in
passing, that celebrating the holiest day of violence,
consumerism, and class warfare on your couch is a betrayal
of your values or a waste of your time. You might even
imagine that it would be better to take a hike, read a book,
or meditate. Not this Sunday, buster. It's an election
season. You need to watch this game to fully understand how
jobs, religion, leadership, and healthcare dominate every
American contest."
Read the Article
Programming Note:
How Do Conservatives and Liberals See the World?
Moyers, Moyers & Co.: "This weekend's Moyers & Company asks
the question: How do conservatives and liberals see the
world? There's more to the answer than meets the eye. Our
country is more politically polarized than ever. Is it
possible to agree to disagree and still move on to solve our
massive problems?"
Read the Article
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Truthout's Buzzflash Daily
Given the daily lacerating commentaries on BuzzFlash at Truthout, you might not suspect that we have a sentimental side. Although, admittedly, there is a political/"social values" angle to our soft spot for the Obama marriage.
If you knew the gossip around the Illinois State Legislature when Obama served there, his name was never heard in the daily whispers about sexual dalliances - in a town (Springfield, Illinois) where a very large number of elected officials abide by the rule that "what happens in Springfield stays in Springfield." That's pretty much the case for most state capitals - and Washington, DC. For awhile, I spent many days there during Obama's time in the State Senate, so I know of what I speak.
Barack Obama, who also participated in several media events I was involved in, was not known to be "on the make." Most of the times I encountered him, he was reading a background paper, a book or a newspaper - and often smoking a cigarette if the event were outdoors.
I've been with politicians who send aides to get phone numbers of attractive women, or hand out their cards to their amorous "targets" with a wink. But Obama was not one of them, not by a stretch.
I bring this up because a reader sent BuzzFlash a YouTube clip composed of photographs of the Obamas showing sparks of love between them, accompanied by Aretha Franklin singing, "I'll Say a Little Prayer for You." Some might view it as a bit mawkish, but it brings home a point.
The first "First Couple" in memory that appears to have a committed, monogamous love that glows at times - and are attentive, loving parents - are vilified by a large segment of the American population who extol alleged "family values."
Recently, I came across a pre-Florida primary article, in which the reporter quoted a couple of supporters of Newt Gingrich. One woman who was going to vote for Gingrich said that he shared her "family values." Too bad the reporter didn't follow up by asking, "In what possible way?"
When you have a large segment of the American electorate wrapped in a bubble of delusion about what constitutes "family values;" when that delusion is largely based on self-appointing oneself a fundamentalist Christian and assuming white entitlement, then the result is a paradox. You have a couple - and family - who are not white being assumed not to have "family values," while a serial adulterer and philanderer is identified as extolling "family values."
This is dangerous to society because it represents how reality becomes perverted by those who see society and government through racial and so-called "social values" blinders. The other day, BuzzFlash touched upon how this emerges in symbolic flash points, such as the Jan Brewer "finger in President Obama's face" moment on a Phoenix airport tarmac.
BuzzFlash at Truthout has not been uncritical of many decisions made by the Obama administration - to say the least. But the Obamas, as a couple and a family, are the real thing.
It is unfortunate for democracy that so many white Americans believe that "family values" are limited by skin color.
Mark Karlin,
Editor of BuzzFlash at
Planned Parenthood Sees Donation Spike
After Komen Cut Off Cancer Screening Funds
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Why Is the GOP the Party of Hate and
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Ex-Credit Suisse Traders Admit Cooking
Subprime Books
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Tangled Web of Newt Gingrich's Alliances
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Boehner: Time for Government to Stop Helping
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Health Care Reform Was Tea Party's First
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Why Florida Was a Dangerous Test Case for
Romney's General Election Prospects
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