Global rallies in support of West Papuan political prisoners
Global rallies demand Indonesian government release West Papuan political prisoners
17 January 2013
Federated Republic of West Papua rallies around the world, in Melbourne, Perth, Los Angeles, Washington DC, Honiara (Solomon Islands) and Manokwari are demanding the Indonesian government release all political prisoners including President Forkorus Yaboisembut and Prime Minister Edi Waromi.
Foreign Affairs Minister Jacob Rumbiak said international activists are demanding Indonesia remove its military personnel, and that President Yudhoyono issue orders to stop the slaughter of West Papua National Committee (KNPB) members.
“Six activists were arrested and tortured in Serui yesterday for handing out pamphlets about today’s rally, including Patris Rosumbre (Vice-governor, Sairere state, Federated Republic of West Papua) and Menase Karubaba” he said. Rosumbre has since escaped, but the wherabouts of Menase Karubaba is not known, and there is deep concern for his safety.
The Federated Republic of West Papua has been calling for negotiations with the Indonesian government under the auspice of the United Nations since 2011, and Rumbiak claims “Indonesia is losing credibility with its international donors in failing to respond to our invitation”.