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Not in My Name: Academics Publicly Attack Torture Rapporteur


I am a survivor of rape, gang rape and the abusive police process I was subjected to when I reported it and I am fed up with watching sexual violence being used as a cover for political attacks on Julian Assange, his colleagues and his supporters.

I am not alone. Numerous other survivors have reached out to me tonight expressing the same sentiment and we deserve to be heard.

Today, members of what is supposedly a women’s advocacy group published an open letter addressed to UN top brass, from the Secretary-General on down, complaining about an article written by UN Special Rapporteur on Torture Nils Melzer and attempting to call into question his suitability for his role.

Melzer has recently transformed the debate around 2019 Nobel Peace Prize Nominee Julian Assange’s situation by formally finding that Assange is a victim of state-sponsored (and publicly perpetuated) psychological torture.

The content of the open letter undermining Melzer is founded on a premise of advocating for and protecting the rights of women and of survivors of sexual violence. Yet when I self-identified as a survivor in tweets to the organisers of the open letter and dissented against their opinions, they belittled me and were dismissive of my arguments.

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Yes, the very women who should have been most sincere about unpacking the experiences and feelings of a survivor of sexual assault could not muster a single shred of empathy for me, nor did they express even the mildest concern for my wellbeing or safety, despite my clearly having been triggered by the conversation.

The very women who complained in their open letter against Melzer, of “insensitivity to victims of sexual assault” and “..a profound lack of understanding…” were themselves apparently incapable of demonstrating any sensitivity or understanding when dealing directly with a survivor.

And it is thus, the issue. Too often the theory that is advanced that “we must support victims!” and “we must centre the voices of women and survivors!” doesn’t match the practice. Despite being self-styled advocates, academics and lawyers, they were simply too wrapped up in themselves to have the time of day for a lowly survivor of sexual assault who was outside of their clique. They weren’t considerate of my right to my own opinions and weren’t prepared to consider them.

I can’t help but notice that their attitudes stand in stark contrast to that of Melzer himself. Standing in the harsh light of their accusations, he handled himself with poise, grace and more – with willingness to engage, receptiveness to their arguments, and with a concerted focus on bettering outcomes for survivors.

He even thanked them.


The reactions of those same women to my (and others) inquiries couldn’t have been any different from Melzer’s reaction. Instead of welcoming our input or engaging in constructive dialogue, they defaulted to posturing themselves as the victims, proclaiming on social media that they were being attacked. While continually boasting of having added further signatories to their attempt to undermine Melzer’s career.

Sadly, Melzer is not a lone target of the tactic of organised mass signings of an open letter being employed against him. WikiLeaks PR Consultant Trevor Fitzgibbon was the subject of an open letter signed by 72 progressive organisations decrying him as a serial abuser of women. Their lobbying efforts against him brought down his successful business and destroyed his career and his marriage, prior to him being cleared of all charges after lengthy investigations by authorities. Fitzgibbon subsequently won a defamation case against his primary accuser, after revelations of her private text message communications with him (available on the court record) made it clear that he had never raped her. His accuser has now retracted her accusations.

Likewise the activism career of WikiLeaks advocate Jacob Appelbaum was destroyed by similar tactics. Open letters were used to de-platform him at major tech conferences and hackerspaces, including one he co-founded. The public shaming campaign against him eventually boiled down to a sole complainant of sexual assault – by a person who has since gone on to make extremely dubious allegations against two other high profile members of the tech industry and is likewise now facing defamation proceedings as a result.

As a survivor of rape, it is gutting to have to continually watch people who profess to act in defence of women attack and destroy good men in the name of protecting survivors. I can not simply sit by and allow rape to continue to be weaponised for political gain.

Therefore I am writing my own open letter in response to that penned by Melzer’s critics, both in direct response to the substance (or lack thereof) of their claims, and to draw a line. A line that says, if you take this man down, it will not be in our name.

If academics read this response and are principled and brave enough to co-sign it, that is great. However I am most interested in platforming and amplifying the voices of regular people, many of whom will also inevitably be fellow survivors, who too often are the forgotten or silent majority, while the circus of these tar-and-feather public shaming campaigns continues unabated.

It is only by speaking out that we can stop them. And it is way past time.

Not In My Name: Open letter in response to the open letter by purported women’s advocates attacking the credibility of UN Special Rapporteur for Torture Nils Melzer

To: Ms Michelle Bachelet Jeria, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights; Ms Kate Gilmore, UN Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights; Coordination Committee of UN Special Procedures (chair Ms Anita Ramasastry, Mr Victor Madrigal-Borloz, Mr Javaid Rehman, Ms Leigh Toomey, Mr Clément Voulé and Mr Dainius Puras)

On 1st July 2019 an open letter was penned to your excellencies that has so far been co-signed by 150+ people who identify themselves as “practitioners and scholars in international law and human rights”.

The authors of the article assert:

• They “are deeply disturbed by the way [Melzer] approaches the allegations of sexual assault in this case.”

• that Melzer’s “tone is unbecoming of a UN mandate holder

• that Melzer “dismisses the allegations on the basis that they do not “have the ring of rape in any language other than Swedish”. Mr Melzer’s statement is incorrect.”

• that Melzer “grossly misunderstands the realities and legalities of sexual assault when he dismisses the allegations against Mr Assange on the basis that they “do not involve any violence”.

• that “Allegations against powerful or high-profile men such as Julian Assange are routinely dismissed as attention-seeking or part of a conspiracy to bring them down. Mr Melzer’s “op ed” perpetuates this dangerous narrative

They concede:

• that Melzer’s “overarching argument may merit attention

• that in their arguments, they will be “leaving aside whether this is an accurate summary of the events of the case”

• that “Mr Assange has fundamental rights to freedom from torture, a presumption of innocence, and a fair trial.

The crux of the assertions of the authors of the open letter hinge upon a portion of an interview Melzer gave to Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Chris Hedges on his show On Contact. They quote Melzer as having said:

“I think it is also important to point out what is called a “rape” allegation is not by any stretch what would be called “rape” in English or any other language other than Swedish, and I know what I’m talking about because I do speak Swedish. What this “rape” allegation refers to is an offence that doesn’t involve any violence (…) [Assange] is being accused of having ripped a condom during consensual intercourse (…) this is something no one will ever be able to prove.”

But here is what Melzer actually said word for word:

I think it is important also to point out that what is called a rape allegation is not by any stretch what would be called rape in English or any other language than Swedish in the world and I know what I’m talking about because I do speak Swedish. So, what this rape allegation refers to, an offence, that doesn’t involve any violence.”

In the interview, Melzer stresses the words “an offence”. This can be heard precisely at 10:57 in the interview. It is the offence itself, stipulated in the Swedish law books, that was specifically designed for when violence was not used in the course of the action.

The English translation of the law is insufficient to explain the precise wording of the definition of the charge. The original Swedish law text makes implicitly clear that it applies only to instances of lessened violence than a forced penetration. That is why it is usually reported in English-language media as “lesser rape”. In the Swedish language, the implied lessening of the level of violence is even more pronounced. Which is why Melzer was explaining that he is fluent in Swedish. Because of that, he was able to interpret the full meaning of the wording of the laws, and therefore the nature of the allegations, in a way in which English speakers cannot.

Therefore the accusation that Melzer was trying to depict rape as a non-violent act is completely false. This invalidates the core premise of the original Open Letter of complaint against Melzer.

Melzer was simply describing an offence as it existed in 2010 on the Swedish law books. That law has since been changed in 2018. The 2018 interpretation appears to be closer to what the authors of the Open Letter wish to ascribe; however it simply was not relevant to Melzer’s credible and learned assessment of the original 2010 offence invoked against Assange.

The signatories to the Open Letter are signing it on the understanding that it contains an accurate depiction of Melzer’s actions. However, as evidenced above, the letter does not. Therefore it is a fundamentally flawed document, a misuse of the network being employed to amass signatures, a potential risk to the academic reputations of the signatories and a disservice to those on whose behalf it seeks to advocate.

Although the above sufficiently nullifies the allegations of professional impropriety falsely levelled at Melzer there is another issue which I wish to briefly cover off.

The open letter seeks to posture itself as being unbiased and objective, as well as to distance itself from any potential debate about the specifics of Assange’s case. Despite the fact that Melzer’s cited commentary was entirely specific to Assange’s case.

Unfortunately, even the most rudimentary research has unearthed that the primary organisers of the open letter have, in public, been far from unbiased towards Assange.

Out of respect, I will not name names at this point, as the purpose of this letter is not to engage in public shaming, however I am in possession of screenshots of multiple past statements published by the top proponents, organisers and signatories of the open letter making false, defamatory and biased statements about Julian Assange from their professional social media profiles and platforms.

Those statements echo some of the precise wording exhibited by state actors who have ultimately been responsible for the psychological torture of Assange that Melzer exposed.

Likewise, there is evidence of direct ties between the authors of the letter and some of the most voracious and defamatory critics of Assange that exist in the mainstream media sphere. The biases are deep and the relationships clear for all to see, with a few simple keyword searches.

It needs to be recognised and understood, that when Melzer exposed the public “mobbing” and psychological torture of Assange, that many professional human rights and legal advocates who had failed to act on Assange’s behalf or in solidarity with his plight across a number of years, themselves became tacitly implicated in his persecution. Whether it be because they had fallen victim to malicious mainstream reporting about his case, or whether it was due to their own ties to the states that have been and are actively persecuting him, they have been shown in action to have not lived up to their professed principles. That hypocrisy is publicly embarrassing. There are many professionals who would project themselves as being against torture, who have one way or another in this case, become complicit in it. Whether deliberately, or by their silence.

The correct action would be of course for them to acknowledge their error, atone for it and pick up the baton that Melzer has bravely carried thus far. Not to attack Melzer, undermine him, shame him, use social media to “mob” him as Assange was subjected to for so many years, or seek to distract from the severity of the implications of Melzer’s findings.

It was bad enough that a publisher went most of a decade being tortured in the heart of a major Western capital city with so few in the professional class daring to speak against it. Let us not see those same tactics now be allowed to be wielded against a UN Special Rapporteur too. We cannot allow those who, be it purposefully or inadvertently, contributed to the torture of a publisher, become the public prosecutors of the Special Rapporteur who exposed the torture.

What Melzer has done, in thoroughly researching in minute detail the case of Julian Assange, is historic and lends great credence and weight to the reputation of the United Nations as a whole. I know of many who had frankly lost faith in the organisation, only to have it restored by Melzer’s courage, tenacity and attention to detail. His is a significant achievement, undertaken in good conscience and in the face of overwhelmingly powerful and hostile forces, and for that he should be rewarded and not punished.

My 2018, 24,000-word research tome about the Assange case, called ‘Being Julian Assange‘ was read by over 140,000 people on this website alone, not including the multiple other locations and countries in which it was republished. In that piece, which was tweeted by Julian Assange shortly before he was silenced, as well as by WikiLeaks, Christine Assange and countless others, I wrote an important piece of testimony, about what it feels like as a survivor to watch the allegations against Julian Assange bandied about as “rape” all these years. I feel compelled to quote it in full:

The apparent inability of self-styled defenders of women to differentiate between the physical and deliberate violence of actual rape, such as Bill Clinton’s rape of Juanita Broderick, compared to disagreements over condoms or in the case of Appelbaum, non-consensual back-washing, kissing someone in a bar, propositioning someone or making bad jokes, undermines and is frankly depressing to, those of us who are survivors.

Sexually harmful behaviours and other aspects of rape culture can and should be denounced and deplored, without having to equate it to rape. The proclivity of the liberal set for doing so waters down and diminishes the experience of rape victims, and the seriousness of it. It seems to be yet another function of privilege, to bandy about terms such as “rape”, “rapist”, and “serial rapist” without understanding the repercussions of doing so.

Rape is an assault on all five senses. For a protracted period of time thereafter, it renders you almost unable to live inside your body, to live inside your life. Unable to preserve your sensory perceptions or restore them to how they functioned before the rape.

To falsely describe sexually problematic behaviour common amongst the entire population as “rape” belittles and undermines survivors, as does unfairly expanding the definition of what constitutes a rapist, or branding every man a rapist by affiliation. Doing so causes many men who are not rapists to recoil from confronting what does need to change. It dissuades them from meaningfully engaging on legitimate issues. It encourages an inevitable and counterproductive backlash, that needn’t have occurred.”

This reflects a broad societal trend to blur the lines of what rape is, to expand its definition by using terms like “rapey“, a term often invoked in relation to Assange. I addressed the use of that term also.

“The term “rapey” is itself, offensive. With its use, the definition of rape is being willfully expanded into borderline meaninglessness and obscurity. As if there can be “racisty” or “sexisty” or “homophobicy”. There cannot. Rape is an absolute, and a serious crime against humanity. The term should not be callously invoked; watered down for the social convenience of he or she exercising the privilege inherently wielded when bastardising the language of the violated.”

Given that the eyes of many who believe themselves to be defenders of women are likely to read this letter, I felt it important to highlight those passages. Because foremost in the minds of those who advocate for survivors must be a concerted effort to understand how we feel, our wish to preserve the words which describe our experiences, and to retain ownership of them much as any marginalised or vulnerable group does with language used to describe them. Rape is a word that should be used with respect for the price those of us who have experienced it paid. It should never be callously bandied about, its definition should never be allowed to become meaningless, and the accusation of it should never, ever be used as a political weapon.

It is possible that in his research, Melzer read the above quoted passages and was affected by them. If so, I am grateful, and if not, I know that others were and will be.

But if Melzer is to now have rotten fruit thrown at him in the town square for breaking taboos to defend a victim of torture who others did not, then it will not be in my name.

Authored by: Suzie Dawson

Co-Signed By:


1. Suzie Dawson, Journalist and activist

2. Ariyana Love, Journalist and Human Rights defender

3. Beth Wendy Grundfest-Frigeri, Disabled activist

4. Grayden Shelley, Artist

5. Kitty Hundal, Retired, Ontario Civil Liberties Association, Author

6. Rachel Collins, Housewife

7. Lilain Duffy, Sociologist

8. Caitlin Johnstone, Journalist, Poet

9. Sarah Freeis, Activist, Artist

10. Sandra Hewett, Unemployed

11. Halo Benson, Mom

12. Reverend Elisa Standridge Howell, Minister and Spiritual Advisor

13. Sarah Jane Brennan, Independent Journalist, Human Rights Activist

14. Sarah Taylor, Researcher

15. Caressia Blair, Unemployed

16. Pema Than, Parent, Scientist

17. Christine Dopf, M.Sc, Activist

18. Helena Jennie, College Professor

19. Raine James, Forklift Operator, Mother

20. Joanne Maree Le Mura, BA – Community Services, Community Development, Human Rights Advocate

21. Sharon K. Raum, Retired

22. Louise Bennet, Media Advisor

23. Nicki Myers, Musician

24. Carrie Ellsworth, Student

25. Meaghan Walker, Researcher, Writer

26. Teresa Marshall, Massage Therapist

27. Diane Friedman, Retired Health Professional, Peace Activist, Mother, Grandmother

28. Hope Kesselring, Writer

29. Dr. Christine DeCarlo, Disabled Activist

30. Taurean Benson, Husband and Father

31. Annabelle Hodge, Mother

32. Courtney Imholt, Homemaker

33. Natalie Kerslake, Housewife and Mother, ex-Teacher and Chartered Accountant

34. Danielle J. Dunkley, Student

35. Carmen Powers, Grandmother, Activist

36. Doug, Retired Musician and Teacher

37. Lily Torres, Engineer, Mother

38. Tam Brewer, Retired, Activist

39. Jayne Jackie Brown, Mother, Peace and Human Rights Activist

40. Carol Watt, Chinese Medicine Practitioner

41. Nadia N. Kira, Painter, Art Therapist

42. Bella Magnani, Researcher

43. Lorese Vera MA., Teacher, Writer, Editor

44. Joanne Doran, Lecturer of Health Sciences

45. I. E., Writer

46. Vivian Kubrick, Composer, Filmmaker

47. Irene Potashner, Project Coordinator

48. Kat Irvine, Self-employed

49. Alice Bergot, Artist

50. Cleonarda da Venezia, Carer, Artist

51. Kim McMahon, Student

52. Patricia Call, Human Rights Activist

53. V. V. R., Disabled Activist

54. Eloïse Vanhouteghem, Illustrator

55. Jill P. Michaels, Retired

56. Siobhan Cawson Mooney, Musician, Activist

57. Leslie Stein, Retired

58. Kyra Moore, M. Ed., Teacher

59. Wiesje Slot, Activist

60. Jude Fleming, Human Rights Defender, Writer

61. Sandra Hill, Researcher/Analyst, Mother, Student

62. Madeleine Love, Independent Scholar, Senate Candidate (AUS)

63. Ally Cordingly, Educationalist

64. Animae Jones, Retired, Activist

65. Marti Babb, Small Business Owner

66. Stephanie Marsilia, College Lecturer, Licensed Psychotherapist

67. Leanne Ramirez, Retired US Military

68. Shari Nolder, Activist, Artist, Caregiver

69. Eul Liester, Sales Worker

70. Melinda McCracken, Retired

71. Graham Elwood, Political Comedian, Filmmaker

72. Ann Garrison, Journalist

73. Dr. Marni Sheppeard, Unemployed Theoretical Physicist

74. Julie Meyer, College Access Professional

75. Lauren Ellis, Case Worker, Artist

76. Cynthia George, Advocate for the Elderly

77. Rosie Ingram, Mother, Grandmother

78. Kristin Bright, Truck Driver, Humanitarian

79. Quinn Petersen, Activist

80. Deborah Hendry, Educator, Counsellor, PhD Candidate

81. Hali Cespedes-Chorin, Technical Writer

82. Susan Neece, Art Therapist

83. E. Schemer, Artist

84. Lorraine Tipton, Co-founder, American Mothers Party

85. Esther Hendriksen, former International Policy Advisor

86. Martin K. O’Connor, Unemployed

87. Rosita Allinckx, Activist, Artist

88. Ken Black, Entrepreneur

89. Mairi Nicola Morrison, Legal Scholar

90. Nel Lane, Activist, Writer, Social Justice Advocate

91. Kylie McCrimmon, Intensive Care Nurse, Mother

92. Elpo Damianou, ex-UNHCR Congo

93. Kristine Rael, Piano Teacher

94. Yvonne Holzmayer, Teacher, Mother

95. Hamed Pakatchi, Graduate Student

96. Elise Tak, Artist

97. Kit Jones, Licensed Psychotherapist/Mental Health Counsellor

98. M. Mayermiar, Veteran

99. Johanna Harman, Supporter

100. Lauren B. Wilson, Disabled Activist, Artist

101. Pamela Anderson, Activist

102. Deepa Govindarajan Driver, Lecturer, Trade Unionist, Mother

103. Adele Margaret Goldie, Artist, Peace Activist, Worker

104. David Denton, Government Worker

105. Carol Hale, Retired Federal Public Defender, Investigator

106. Dr. Lilliana Corridor, Marine Biologist, Oceanographer, Human Rights Defender

107. Charmaine Jones, Chef, Grandmother, Activist

108. Barbara Kim Thigpen, Grandmother, Consumer advocate, Teacher, Activist

109. Tamara Otello, Retired Social Worker

110. Ania Nowakowska, Graphic Designer

111. Ginger Beeler, Operating Room Sterilizer

112. Kara Seboldt, Data Analyst

113. Marirose Walker, Disabled Activist

114. Magda Hassan, Psychotherapist, Educator

115. JoAnn Maschè-Daane, Activist, Artist

116. Dr Carol Mackenzie, Urban Social Scientist


2. Louise Bracken, Retail Cashier

3. Niki Konstantinidis, Barrister and Solicitor

4. Lohan Gunaweera, Visual & Performance Artist, Translator

5. Dr. Thomas Harvey, Honorary Research Associate in Philosophy, University of Auckland

6. Clinton David Hohneck, Engineer

7. Laura Genovese, School Secretary

8. Marijke Hultzer, Retired journalist

9. Taylor Hudak, Journalist and activist

10. Rasmus Sylvester Forsberg Outzen, Intelligence activist

11. Paula Iasella, Broadway Costume Design/Wardrobe

12. Paul Neville, Retired

13. Laura Killian, Unemployed Academic (Science and Engineering), Pirate Party Australia

14. John Anthony Giles, Retired

15. William Hogan, Professor

16. Linda Hagge, Retired University Instructor

17. Nicholas Woodward, Painter

18. Stacy O’Neill, Teacher

19. Mary-Ann Jones, PhD, Retired Scientist

20. Julie Milicevic, Educator

21. Vivek Nayak, Data Entry Office Worker

22. Cassandra Fairbanks, Journalist

23. Patricia Perlo, IT Business Analyst

24. Jessie A. Kim, Small Business Owner

25. Roger Close, Unemployed, Former DJ, Student

26. Tyler McMillan, Consultant

27. Lorilee House, Retired Editor

28. Bruce Turnbull, Pensioner

29. Deborah Thomas, Hand Therapist

30. Flavia Westerwelle, Self-emplyed Artist

31. Kendra Christian, Sales Manager

32. Michele Cochrane, Retired University Administrator

33. Clare Smith, Self-employed

34. Mary Naylor, Retired Teacher, Poet

35. Jason Brinkman, Retired

36. Marie Apap, Teacher

37. Laura Eckert, Artist

38. Joslyn Erica, Social Worker, Herbalist, Mother

39. Michelle Wood, Activist, Mother, Naturopath

40. Concerned Citizen, Portland Activist

41. Alex Hills, Activist

42. Marty Cook, Teacher

43. Chris Lonsdale, Psychologist, Linguist, Educator, Entrepreneur

44. Lorraine Harvey, Retired

45. Gordon Dimmack, Independent Journalist

46. Ann Batiza, PhD., Retired Academic

47. Chris Leising, Photographer

48. Daniel Wirt, Medical Doctor

49. Fabel Arostegi, Teacher

50. Celia Moore, Carer, Swimming Teacher, Activist

51. Dave Donnellan, Peace Activist

52. Dragos Savu, Accountant

53. Lynne Bon de Veire, Artist

54. Stephen Boni, Essayist, Editor, Storyteller

55. Ian Colville, Product Manager

56. Nic, Retired Mental Health Worker

57. Lorese Vera, MA, Teacher, Writer

58. Anna Moras, Executive Assistant

59. Shaista Salam, Peace Activist

60. Lucinda Manning, Activist, Archivist, Feminist, Librarian

61. Noah Baslaw, Student

62. Kristin Scott, Therapist

63. Humberto Arturo Reaza Jr., Teacher

64. Odette Louise Stevens, Artist

65. Monique Jolie, Unemployed

66. Rob Trimmer, Security Guard

67. Nina Cross, Teacher, Writer

68. Mehdi Taileb, Activist

69. Shona Davidson, Retired

70. Tatiana Schild, Mother, Activist

71. George Szamuely PhD., Author

72. Charlotte Gracias, Project Manager

73. Elizabeth Hamilton, Grandmother, Disabled Activist

74. Somerset Bean, Graphic Designer

75. Julie Collier, Homemaker

76. Bradley C. Hughes, former Greens Counsellor and Deputy Mayor, Randwick, NSW

77. Judy Driggers, Mother, Grandmother

78. Pierre Studler, Plumber

79. John Hayward, Pensioner

80. Stephen Perrett, Small Business Owner

81. Christian Larsson, Student

82. Jose Rivera, Builder

83. Belinda Curtis, Support Worker, Accomodation Manager

84. Spring Grace Eselgroth, Copy Editor, Activist

85. Theodore W. Altmeter, Retired

86. Elizabeth Mueller, Activist, Researcher

87. Jenni Hall, Investigative Research and Screenplay Writer

88. Paula Murphy, Supporter

89. Jean B. Palmer, Supporter

90. Serena Ferrario, Unemployed

91. Francois Guesdon, Unemployed

92. Jennifer Lyon, Clinical Librarian

93. Sasha Mitrovich, Retired

94. Annika Dahlbäck, Acupuncturist

95. Lissa K. Johnson, Clinical Psychologist

96. Elizabeth Hawke, Retired

97. Jean Chevrier, Self-employed

98. Mike Hurt, Web Developer

99. Göran Stål, Osteopath

100. Roseanne Martorana, Physical Therapy Driver, Dog Walker

101. Tristan Roch-Desparois, Hardware Store Worker

102. Anna Palczynska, Nurse

103. Brad Lacke, Freelance Artist

104. Satu Hiitola, Supporter

105. W. Hall, Supporter

106. Christa Oberwalder, Activist

107. Freyja Inanna, Nurse, Midwife

108. Michael Inanna, Engineer, Healing Retreat Manager

109. Eleanor Boyd, Retired Teacher

110. Claire Lowe, Complimentary Therapist

111. Jane George, Author, Illustrator

112. Lyndsey Young, Receptionist

113. Wilson Mpalweni, Journalist

114. Juan Rebes, IT Consultant

115. Dennis Revell, Property Management, Technical Research

116. Karina Fernandes, Self-employed

117. Andreas Schwarzmeier, Engineer

118. Karen Sprowl, Rehabilitation Counsellor, Nurse

119. Davena Turvey, Retired Actor

120. Barry J. Fleming, Consulting Director, Technologist, Activist

121. Tricia Rajabipour, CT Tech

122. Nozomi Hayase, PhD, Author

123. Danielle Wood, Artist, Activist

124. Donna Piranha, Anthropologist, Activist

125. Elvira Ferreira, Activist

126. J. Bogoeva, Supporter

127. Miguel de Sousa Pires, IT Worker

128. James Miller, Carpenter

129. Irene Heitsch, Housewife

130. Sherry Clayton, Musician

131. Jeanie Schmidt, Nurse, Mother

132. Pete DeLorenzo, Musician, Restaurant Worker

133. Vanessa Byrne, Mother, Homemaker

134. Chris Whitside, Writer, Producer

135. Donna Moon, Home Healthcare Provider

136. Tom Pappalardo, Uber Driver

137. Jon Krampner, Activist, Author

138. Colin Goodayle, Retired Public Servant

139. John McEvoy, Journalist

140. Calvin Benson, Whistleblower Advocate

141. Cory Twinney, Pharmacist

142. Yvonne Langlois, Retired Administrator

143. Frank Hopewell, Network Rail

144. Desiree Assaad, HR Specialist

145. David Sutton, Unemployed Engineer

146. Isabel Oliveira, Supporter

147. Jenny Trigg, Retired Health Worker

148. Magnus Mickelsson, Software Developer

149. Kimera Muwanguzi Anthony, Photographer, Farmer, Small Business Owner

150. Shannon Shipley, Lead Organizer for Immigrant and Refugee Rights

151. Arianna Marchionne, Scientist

152. Bjørnar Simonsen, Sociology Student

153. Mary Kostakidis, Journalist

154. Carl Clarke, Human Resources Manager

155. Michael Fitzgerald, Commercial Real Estate Broker

156. Fionnuala Hendrick, CEO

157. Liesbeth Nieuwenweg, Webmaster

158. Anne Ridgley, Translator

159. Tresilla Wood, Homemaker

160. Lauren Richardson, Investor

161. Maria Mollenkopf, Disabled

162. Greg L. Bean, Information Systems Architect

163. Kate Hecimovic, Higher Education Administrator

164. Patrick Coss, Unemployed

165. Tom Heron, Recording Engineer, Teacher

166. Sandra Lewis, Child Carer

167. Raphael Steele, Engineer

168. John Mayall, Software Professional

169. Lorine Brice, Supporter

170. Andrew Mcguinness, Lecturer

171. David Macilwain, Independent Writer, Activist

172. Dane Owen, Supporter

173. Jim Kavanagh, Former Professor, Political Analyst

174. Elissar Hanna, Student

175. Bjørn Danielsen, Systems Architect

176. Maarten Vos, Student

177. Tuan Tran, History Teacher

178. Linda Hanakova, Healthcare Worker

179. Paul J. Zickler, High School Teacher

180. Tony Ansell, Sales Worker

181. André Forsberg, Medical Student

182. Mary Henning, Filmmaker

183. Kathleen Cain, Supporter

184. Sylvia Bennet, Retired Theatre Professional

185. Zeina Farah, Political Scientist

186. Sue Worp, Speech Language Pathologist

187. Kent Kingsley, Self-Employed

188. Roy David, Writer

189. Carol Barnes, Former Domestic Abuse Coordinator/Advisor

190. Alex Tiedemann, Supporter

191. Jacqui Ham, Musician

192. Emily E. Hamilton, Cook

193. Lianne Rowe, Artist, Psychologist

194. Alex Mazey, Poet, Essayist

195. Vincent Abinet, Self-Employed, Teacher

196. Tamara Thomas, Property Manager

197. Juliet Smith, Teacher, Mother

198. Brett Smith, Naturopath

199. Pete Hallpike, English Teacher

200. Mara Modesto-Wrobel, Retired

201. Peter Thomas, Team Manager

202. Teresa Bear, Certified Public Accountant

203. Mehrzad Mahmoudian-Geller, College Professor

204. Mark Brooks, Writer, Retired Business Person

205. Jodi Thomas, Housewife, Former Senior Physiotherapy Assistant

206. Colleen Whittemore, Retired

207. Brian Robinson, Retired

208. Gary M. Lord, Activist

209. Paul Mansfield, Civil Servant

210. Dr Lawrence Taylor, Activist, Retired Chiropractor

211. Fiona Hansen, Supporter

212. Lisa Cardon, Retired Nurse

213. Rob Skinner, Supporter

214. Mara Kupka, Screenwriter, Performer

215. Fletcher Lenz, Auditor

216. Manfred Pürro, Software Architect

217. Cathy Raats, Supporter

218. Victoria Husemeyer, Fund Manager

219. Claus Bang, Mathematician

220. Amin Talha, B Arch, PMP

221. Christine Assange, Mother of persecuted journalist Julian Assange

222. Susan Inman, Retired

223. Karen Lawson, Supporter

224. Elmarie van der Merwe, Activist

225. Valentina Flex, Archivist

226. Olga Christensen, Graduate

227. Hans Jørgen Kjærnet, Supporter

228. Kelly Kolisnik, Web Developer

229. Jack Yan, Publisher

230. Stephanie Wilson, Supporter

231. Sonia Soares, Supporter

232. Omer ElSouri, Journalist

233. Gadi Nisenholz, Programmer

234. Deborah Meyer, Retired, Artist

235. Uschi Schueller, Artist, Human Rights Activist

236. Michael Joyce, Supporter

237. Anna L. E. Price, Administrator

238. Manuela Alava, Lab Technician, Student

239. Alan L. Stewart, Author, Activist

240. Chris Whittington. Retired Programmer, Publisher

241. Cheryl Browne, Supporter

242. Charlene Parsons, Entrepreneur

243. Anne Hinde, Supporter

244. Nabil H., Disabled Activist

245. Sue Stathoris, Supporter

246. Dan Smith, Analyst

247. Brenda Bonnici, PhD., Pharmacist

248. I. Zvonko, Supporter

249. Michael Zakko, Student

250. Spyros Marchetos, Historian, School of Political Sciences, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

251. Sergio Mauro, Engineer

252. Alison Hunter, IT Systems Analyst

253. James Fields, Supporter

254. Tania Yegdich, Retired Mental Health Educator

255. Judith Tanner, Supporter

256. Caspar Nørgaard, Photographer

257. Bernie Cunningham, Supporter

258. Cristina Mérchante, Supporter

259. Katrina Watson, Researcher

260. Currie Dobson, Supporter

261. Kimber Maddox, Graphic Designer

262. F. P. Turner, Self-Employed

263. John Read, Interpreter

264. Yukari Miyamae, Translator

265. Mercy Wolf. Activist, Mother, Marriage Celebrant

266. Jie Wang, Customer Service

267. Abby Brickler, Supporter

268. Jeff Bunsell, Software Developer

269. Jerome Davis, Accountant

270. John Thomson, Real Estate

271. Jim Moore, Engineer

272. Gera Shumaker, Supporter

273. Daryl Snow, Retired Firefighter (FRNSW)

274. Rodney Lomax, Disability Pensioner

275. Nick Bruechle, Writer

276. Ian Caruana, Engineer

277. Shaun Davis, Geologist

278. Raul Ilargi, Writer

279. Kathy Fannin, Retired Informatics Manager

[This page is being continually updated.]

CC: The 150+ academics engaged in signing their names to the open letter to complain about Melzer, named here, and:

Prof. Nils Melzer, United Nations Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment

H.E. Mr António Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations

Ms Beatriz Balbin, Chief of Special Procedures Branch

Mr Coly Seck, President of the Human Rights Council

Mr Christophe Peschoux, UN Chief of Section for mandates on torture, religion and belief, and human rights and counter-terrorism

Ms Peggy Hicks, Director, Thematic Engagement, Special Procedures and Right to Development Division

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