In a week when PM Christopher Luxon and Health Minister Simeon Brown have been blowing their own trumpets about how supportive they are of GPs, and how they are offering “all New Zealanders” more “choice” in how they access primary health care blah blah blah.... Can we please have some context for the government’s hand-on-heart claims of caring about the health and well-being of ordinary “Kiwis”? In the real world, the rising cost of going to the doctor means that many of those “Kiwis” cannot afford to receive the primary healthcare they need in anything like a timely fashion.
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The bill would provide a legislative framework for the conduct of referendums. The framework would be largely the same as that used for the next general election.
Supporters of a four-year term say it would give governments more time to make better policy. But without deeper changes, it may only increase political uncertainty.
Members across the country will take part in the total withdrawal of labour, including social workers and members working in care and protection residences, youth justice residences, residential homes, and the national contact centre.
The public deserves a full-scale independent review of whistleblower cases across government agencies. This isn’t about isolated failures; it’s about a culture of negligence that enables misconduct at the highest levels, Allan Halse, of CultureShift NZ.
This poll shows that there is a clear public mandate across the political spectrum for the government to build state housing, and to build state housing at scale.
Tūpuna Maunga Authority Chairperson, Paul Majurey, says, “we are guided by a vision to better acknowledge the wairuatanga, mana aotūroa, takotoranga whenua, mauri pūnaha hauropi, mana hononga tangata, wahi rawa whakauka and mana whai a Rēhia for each individual Maunga.”
E tū is deeply concerned by comments made by NZME investor and billionaire James Grenon, that he wants to replace the board of directors with four new people – including himself. NZME delegate Isaac Davison said the takeover proposal created significant uncertainty about the company's potential direction and the newsroom's editorial independence.
Reflecting on his five years with the airline, Greg Foran says, leading Air New Zealand has been one of the greatest privileges of my career. It’s been an incredible experience alongside an exceptional team.
Residential building work fell 4.9 percent to $4.5 billion and non-residential building work fell 3.1 percent to $2.8 billion (seasonally adjusted) in the final quarter of 2024.
By surveying, mapping and sampling two different areas off the Wairarapa and Canterbury coasts which have previously experienced huge landslides, they hope to better understand the hazard and risk potential of large underwater canyons, says NIWA marine geoscientist Dr Joshu Mountjoy
WiH believes flexibility is crucial for both training and employment opportunities to help women juggle multiple roles and family commitments, alongside pursuing a horticultural career.
In times of economic uncertainty, supporting local businesses becomes more crucial than ever. By choosing New Zealand-made products and services, we are directly contributing to the survival and growth of our communities, safeguarding jobs, and fostering a more robust and sustainable economy.
The action of spontaneous, undirected attention quiets and cleanses the brain of its useless, accumulated content, allowing the mind to fall silent and participate in the consciousness of the cosmos.
Unfortunately, international law, which was in theory supposed to reflect global consensus, was hardly dedicated to peace or genuinely invested in the decolonisation of the South. As disturbing as all of this is, there is a silver lining, specifically an opportunity for the international legal and political system to be fixed based on new standards, justice that applies to all, and accountability
Five public sector heavyweights resigning and walking out the door within the space of a month must be unprecedented. The resignations may all be unrelated and therefore simply coincidental, but the number of sudden resignations in such a short time suggests not and raises suspicions of some sort of behind the scenes agitation and orchestration by Ministers.
For democracies to save themselves, they should bring non-establishment voices to the table. In 2025. Germany will be another important test case, already sowing the seeds of political failure. We should be wary of demonising the far non-establishment-right while lionising the far establishment-right.
Are we feeling the country is in such capable hands, that we can afford to take a longer break between elections?
Given their lack of punch and prowess, one arising from years fed by the devitalising US teat, European states are simply playing with toy soldiers. Eventually, they will have to play along if peace in Ukraine, however much detested in its form, is to be reached.
Since receiving the NZMTS contract in December 2022, PMA has worked in Tonga, Samoa, Fiji, Kiribati, Tuvalu, and Vanuatu, with local health ministries and counterparts to provide life-saving medical care and specialist support, while also investing in local health workforce development.
“This first announcement sets the stage for what promises to be a captivating festival filled with bold ideas and compelling storytelling,” said Sydney Writers’ Festival Artistic Director Ann Mossop.
The report details challenges related to corruption and conflicts of interest in the arms sector, as well as gaps between what States and the private sector should do - and what they do in practice - to prevent, address and mitigate the negative human rights impact of arms transfers.
The training served to boost the capabilities of local auditors in supporting organic certification for farmers, facilitating more efficient organic certification processes at a more affordable cost.
This text is adapted from Michael Hudson’s foreword to At the Origins of Politics by Giorgio Buccellati. Buccellati’s At the Origins of Politics takes readers to the early stages of a process that became the structure of modern life.
The Summit involved five Pacific Leaders, 10 Ministers and over 300 delegates from 28 countries. The event concluded with a technical communique and a political declaration that set firm commitments to sustainable fisheries.
International Women’s Day is a chance to shine a light on the crucial work teacher aides do, and Government can show this by upholding their obligations to update our pay equity rates.
Tinā also set a new record for the widest release of a New Zealand film, screening across 128 locations in NZ, Papua New Guinea, the Cook Islands, Fiji, and Samoa. It now ranks as the third-biggest NZ opening week of all time, behind Hunt for the Wilderpeople and Sione's 2: Unfinished Business.
The Teaching Council has opened consultation this week on a proposal to increase practising certificate renewal fees from $464 to $501 for the next three years.
The brain continues to grow and adapt throughout life, and we have the power to influence three of the four key factors that contribute to brain aging. In this article, Brainfit shares simple yet powerful ways to boost your memory and overall brain health.
Nicola Legat, spokesperson for the New Zealand Book Awards Trust Te Ohu Tiaki i Te Rau Hiringa, says that this year’s shortlist is rich with page-turning, reflective and incisive books.
NZEI Te Riu Roa President Ripeka Lessels says Associate Minister David Seymour has failed to resolve the problems introduced to the programme when he altered it to cut costs and now Minister Stanford needed to step in.