“Road control allegations completely untrue”
“Road control allegations completely untrue”
18 September 2000
The suggestion reported last week that the Auckland Regional Council “wants to take over North Shore’s roads” is totally incorrect, and the ARC wants to make it clear to all parties that it has no intention of doing so.
The North Shore Times Advertiser reported last Thursday that a Ministry of Transport official told North Shore City councillors that the Ministry had discussed handing the control of local roads to ARC.
“We are upset that suggestions such as these appear in the media, as they are completely untrue and are damaging our relationship with North Shore City,” said ARC Chairman Philip Warren.
“We are working constructively with North Shore City on many issues, including the Bus Rapid Transit project. We have absolutely no desire to take over control of any North Shore roads, nor any other roads in the region, and we have had no discussions with any Ministry about this,” said Mr Warren.
The Minister of Transport, Mark Gosche, has since scotched the suggestions from his official as “nonsense”.
“We are glad that the Minister has quashed these suggestions, because they are untrue. We are very concerned that scaremongering and/or mischief making such as this can damage the good work that the ARC and North Shore City are achieving together and we are considering putting in a complaint to the Ministry,” said Mr Warren.
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For further information please call: Jo Mackay,
Community Relations Adviser, ph 366 2000 x