“Fullers To Stop Gulf Harbour Ferry Service”
The Auckland Regional Council has received notice from Fullers Group that the company plans to stop its ferry service between Downtown and Gulf Harbour on 22 December.
“It is with the deepest reluctance that we accept Fullers’ decision to pull out of the Gulf Harbour service,” said Transport Committee chairman Les Paterson.
At its next meeting in December the ARC’s Transport Committee will receive a report about the closure of the ferry service and will consider if there are any possible actions the Council can take to assist Whangaparaoa residents affected, such as retendering the service or encouraging Stagecoach to supply extra express bus services.
“At this time, with the recent publication of our draft Ferry Strategy, we are looking for new opportunities to provide ferry services to downtown Auckland, and we have had success with the recent start of the Half Moon Bay ferry from the east and Bayswater ferry from the North Shore,” said Cr Paterson.
“The Ferry Strategy examines the factors that need to be present for a ferry service to be viable. They include a sufficient number of local people who commute regularly to the CBD who can readily access the ferry service, and a good comparative time advantage by water compared to by road to reach the city.”
“These factors appear to have dropped below viability level with the Gulf Harbour service at this time. However, we will be keeping the possibility of a Gulf Harbour ferry service alive for future consideration.
welcome Gulf Harbour residents to submit their views to the
Council about the ferry service and the draft Ferry
Strategy, by Christmas, either through our website,
www.arc.govt.nz/about/transpt/trnspt.htm or by mail,” said
Cr Paterson.
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For further information: Transport
Committee chairman Les Paterson, phone 09 366 2000,
Jo Mackay, community relations adviser, ph 09 366 2000 x
or for information about the draft Ferry Strategy,
ENVIROLINE on 0800 80 60