Auckland Region Rail Corridors Progress Report
27 April 2001
Modelling future patronage – Auckland Passenger Transport (APT) model
A piece of work that has
been 18 months in the making is now playing a big role in
the deliberations of the design of the future rapid transit
The Auckland Passenger Transport (APT) model is
a computer representation of the whole urban Auckland area
and public transport network. It divides the urban area into
850 zones, and contains information about every passenger
movement on public transport in both peak and inter-peak
hours between each of these zones.
It is a sophisticated
computer model that has required enormous data input and has
taken 12 months to build. The model’s base information comes
from a series of surveys across more than 50% of bus, ferry
and rail users around May 2000, capturing their point of
origin and destination on public transport.
The model
also contains information on land use and activities and
includes assumptions about people’s travel behaviour. In
all, it gives a detailed picture of patronage flows by
public transport.
The APT model plays a key part in
assisting the Auckland region to design a future network
that will achieve a significant increase in public transport
patronage levels. When the model is fed different scenarios
for population, land use and public transport service
levels, it can help assess the likely patronage levels that
will result.
The model is first being used in the mode
selection/network definition process for the rapid transit
corridors. It will also later be used to forecast patronage
and user benefits to support funding applications and
estimate revenue forecasts, and to assess patronage effects
of other proposed improvements to the public transport
system, including changes to bus and ferry service
The APT model conforms to world best
practice and is peer reviewed by Transfund’s peer
Learning from Australian experience
officers recently visited Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane to
talk to various participants in the rail industry, both in
public and private sectors. The visit was to look at the
issues and the potential solutions around rail access
agreements – the terms and conditions by which parties have
access to another party’s rail network. Officers met with
both those who have received access and those who own the
various networks.
Officers also learned about recent
changes in New South Wales where the state government has
reintegrated maintenance responsibilities with network
ownership/management. In NSW service specification has also
recently been split from the subsidy of services – two
functions which the ARC currently holds, and it will be
interesting to watch the outcomes. The officers also learned
of the reforms in NSW that are proposed as a result of the
Gladstone crash report (a safety problem that is leading to
further structural reforms).
Officers talked to the
people running the Brisbane air train project. This is an
extension of the urban rail network to the Brisbane airport
along a new spur line, due to open for services in May.
Officers from the region also attended the Urban Rail
2001 Conference in Sydney. It was mostly attended by
Australasian participants who collectively hold a wide
experience in operating rail systems throughout the world.
Case studies on live projects and the issues associated with
them were of relevance to Auckland, along with discussions
of the integration of modes – what works, what’s necessary
to achieve successful interchanges, and issues associated
with private sector involvement. Lots of food for thought,
as part of our ongoing research into rapid transit corridor
Safety matters
The Auckland region is
continuing to work on assuring the safety of rail in a
future network. Officers are drawing up safety systems that
will apply under whatever future arrangements are concluded
between Government and Tranz Rail.
A requirement of LTSA
is that the future owner and operators on the network, both
for passenger services and freight, must have
interoperability agreements with every other user and/or
owner. We expect these agreements to be negotiated in
parallel with the Government’s acquisition process.
further information, please contact Jo Mackay, ARC community
relations adviser,
ph 09 366 2000 x 8041 or