ARC Happy With Life Jacket Bylaw
November 26, 2001
ARC Harbourmaster James McPetrie says the Council is happy with its buoyancy aid bylaw and has no plans to make lifejackets or wetsuits compulsory for surfers and boogie boarders.
Mr McPetrie says Navigation Safety Bylaws adopted by the ARC on December 18 last year include the requirements for all vessels to carry lifejackets and for occupants to wear them in adverse conditions, but these requirements do not extend to surfers and boogie boarders.
“We don’t believe a change at this stage is warranted,” Mr McPetrie says.
He says the ARC’s bylaws are based on a nationally agreed set of bylaws. There is flexibility within the national framework for individual regional councils to address special cases, which some regional councils have done with the regulations relating to surfies and boogie boarders.
“A large part of the ARC’s approach to maritime safety is about working in partnership with other water safety agencies to educate all harbour users and we will continue with this strategy,” Mr McPetrie says.
“Last year saw the lowest number of drownings in Auckland waters for five years and we hope for an even better result this summer.”