Long Bay To Be Greener After The Weekend
8 May 2002
Long Bay Regional Park will be greener after this weekend thanks to tree planting volunteers who will take part in the ARC Long Bay tree planting day this Saturday.
“The tree planting day is part of an ongoing ecological restoration programme the ARC is undertaking at Long Bay Regional Park,” ARC Parks and Heritage Committee Chairman Bill Burrill says.
“We want to develop and extend the bush areas to eventually reintroduce more birds and plants back into the park for everybody to enjoy in the future”.
The ARC started planting trees in 1964 around the regional parks, and has planted in excess of 1.2 million trees – one for every Aucklander.
“We’ve planted a tree for you, so why not come and plant another,” Cr. Burrill says.
“This tree planting day follows on from the launch of the ARC’s Big Clean Up campaign and is also a good month for planting. While we are urging people to ‘create a park in their own backyard’ as part of The Big Clean Up, this is an opportunity to make a wider contribution by helping us plant trees at Long Bay,” he says.
The Long Bay tree planting day is this Saturday, 11 May from 10am – 3pm. Volunteers are asked to wear good footwear and to bring a spade and gloves, drinking water and extra food for lunch if required. A BBQ lunch will be provided. For more information please call Parksline on 303 1530.
To find out more easy ways you can help our environment, join in The Big Clean Up. Call 0800 JOIN IN (0800 56 46 46) or visit www.arc.govt.nz.