Aucklanders Wise Up On Transport
6 June 2002
Aucklanders Wise Up On Transport
A 23 percent increase in Aucklanders being EnergyWise about their choice of transport by catching a bus to work has great spin offs for energy efficiency says John Boyd, Communications Manager for the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA).
"The National Energy Efficiency and Conservation Strategy calls for a 20 percent improvement in energy efficiency across all sectors of the economy by 2012. Transport uses 42 percent of New Zealand's energy so it's one of our biggest challenges.
"Auckland Regional Council's annual Central Area Passenger Transport Survey identified that 37 percent of all people travelling into Auckland's CBD at peak times are now travelling on public transport - that means transport in Auckland is becoming increasingly energy efficient.
"Many car trips carry only one person making cars a very inefficient form of travel. Auckland also has a problem with congestion on motorways and inner city roads, which increases the fuel consumption and emissions of vehicles.
"Improved energy efficiency means reduced emissions of greenhouse gas. The transport sector emits 45 percent of New Zealand's CO2 emissions. The 23 percent increase in Aucklanders catching the bus to work means about 3,700 less cars making the trip to the CBD each day, which is estimated to reduce CO2 emissions by 1,200 tonnes.
"Wise use of transport has health benefits too. In Auckland it is estimated that 250 people a year died prematurely as a result of vehicle emissions. Reducing the number of cars travelling in and out of the city means cleaner air for Aucklanders.
"Aucklanders have also taken up other EECA EnergyWise transport initiatives like the Walking School Bus which is now running in sixteen schools. This goes to show that given the right programmes and a frequent and convenient public transport system, Aucklanders will have fewer cars on the road," Mr Boyd said.