Protecting city's green leafy character
Protecting city's green leafy character
Protecting North Shore City's green leafy character is the goal of the council's recent publication Caring for Our Trees and Bush.
The booklet is designed to help people select, plant and manage trees on their property, as well as providing information about appropriate trees and bush for the city's environment. It also features advice on building near trees and tips for pruning and protecting them.
North Shore City's strategy and finance committee chairperson, Tony Holman, says he hopes the community will work together even harder to protect and enhance the environment, which many people view as a key reason for living here.
"Trees and bush are vital for the city and its community, and we need to continue to protect and preserve them for ourselves and future generations," he says.
Councillor Holman says the booklet is one of a number of council initiatives to help people care for and protect these invaluable assets. The booklet also complements the council's general tree protection policy which was upheld by an Environment Court decision last year.
John Hogan, chief field officer of the Tree Council, congratulates the council on the production of a booklet he describes as "the best of its kind I have seen in thirty years".
Mr Hogan says while less technical than those of other councils, it is up-to-date and its presentation is likely to be more effective and easier for people to digest.
Copies of Caring for Our Trees and Bush
are freely available from council offices, libraries,
citizens advice bureaux, local garden centres, by contacting
North Shore City's Actionline on 486 8600 or visiting
The council has also released
an updated version of its Tree and Bush Protection leaflet
which outlines the city's policies for caring for trees and
bush and people's responsibilities. This leaflet is also
available at council offices and online at