New information packs
New information packs making consents process easier for
People applying for building or land
use consent in North Shore City can expect a speedier
service if they follow the instructions in the council ' s
new information packs and file the right paperwork with
their consent applications.
Information packs for
building consents and land use consents are now available
from the council and are designed to help people provide the
right information with their consent application at the
start of the process, saving everyone time and money.
The general manager of environmental services, Alison Geddes, says councils have been criticised over the years for how long it takes to process consents and how cumbersome the process is for customers.
" When we analysed
where the hold-ups were a lot of it came down to the quality
of the information we were receiving with applications. In a
large number of cases we were having to send applicants
away, often more than once, to get more detailed
information, which slows the process down considerably, "
says Ms Geddes.
" Building projects can often be complex depending on what people want to do and where, and the respective Building Code and District Plan requirements. Our new information packs have a series of checklists and leaflets developed to make it easier for people to identify and understand what they can do and the information they need to supply to do it, " says Ms Geddes.
information packs are a continuation of North Shore City '
s express building consents service, where consents for
certain building projects valued under $500,000 can, if all
the right information is provided, be processed while
applicants wait and usually within two hours.
We have had excellent feedback from the public about our
efforts to help speed up and streamline the consents
process. For example, in May 2001, we processed 57 per cent
of building consents within the 10-day statutory timeframe.
By comparison, in January this year 92 per cent were
processed in that time and 64 per cent of those were
processed in less than two days.
" Early
indications are that the information packs are working and
are helping improve this turnaround even further, " says
Ms Geddes.
North Shore City Council ' s
regulatory and hearings committee chairperson, Wyn Hoadley,
says the new consent information packs and the express
building consent process demonstrate the council ' s
continued commitment to improving service in this area.
" We started making huge improvements with the
centralisation of consent services at Environmental Services
in Takapuna, and if we can continue this by helping
customers get all the right information together first time,
making the whole process less cumbersome, so much the better
for everyone, " says Councillor Hoadley.
The Resource Land Use consents application and information pack includes checklists for consent application requirements, site plan requirements, protected tree requirements and engineering requirements, among others.
Residential Building consent application and information
pack includes information sheets on weathertightness and the
use of cladding systems and code compliance certificate
The new building consent and land
use consent packs are available free from all council area
offices, can be requested by calling Actionline on 486 8600
or can be viewed online via the council ' s website