Health Study Long Overdue
Health Study Long Overdue
Helen Wiseman-Dare, Chairperson, West Aucklanders Against Aerial Spraying said today that the Ministry of Health's announcement today of a planned independent health study into the effects of Foray 48B aerial spraying was long overdue. Although commendable, it would come too late to help the growing numbers of people suffering adverse health effects from the spraying, she said.
Karen Poutasi's labelling of these people's concerns as "anxieties" did not bode well for an in-depth consultation. The only way people's concerns can be addressed is to stop the spraying immediately until its long term safety can be proven, she said. With no date set for completion of the study, the spraying could go on indefinitely and nothing would change. It was also important that a genuinely independent researcher be employed, rather than anyone with links to the spray programme.
West Aucklanders Against Aerial Spraying are planning an Anti Aerial Spraying Protest March on Saturday 29 March, assembling 11.00 am corner Hopetoun St and Ponsonby Rd. Marchers will proceed up Ponsonby Rd to Judith Tizard's office (Minister of Auckland Issues). They will be calling on the government to stop the spraying immediately, ahead of a planned government review of the spray programme due to take place in April.