Council plans - time for feedback
Council plans - time for feedback
Residents and ratepayers in North Shore City have an opportunity to comment on how their council plans to run the city for the next year.
North Shore City Council's annual plan submission process gives the local community an opportunity to hear what the council's plans are for the next financial year and to give feedback.
Each year the council prepares a draft annual plan for the following financial year, (2003/04 year covers July 1, 2003 to June 30, 2004) which sets out the council's priorities - and the costs of running the city.
North Shore City councillor Andrew Eaglen will chair this year's annual plan hearings committee.
Councillor Eaglen says the plan forms part of the key documents that set out council's priorities, including four key focus areas, and how these are going to be achieved.
"Our key focus areas are transport, water quality management, securing more parkland and green open space for the city and improving the quality of the services we offer," he says.
"We've taken a lot of time to develop these plans in consultation with the community and we'd like their input before the plan for the coming year is finalised.
"There is a four week submission period which began last week (March 24) and ends on April 24 during which the public can have its say. People can also hear more about the plan by attending one of the meetings in the city.
"We circulated over 80,000 copies of a plan summary to every householder and box holder in North Shore City this month. We also have additional copies of the newsletter and copies of the draft 2003/04 annual plan document available from our libraries and council offices," Councillor Eaglen says.
The summary newsletter contains a submission form and return envelope that can be used to send in a submission, which must be received by 5pm on April 24.
The form can also be used to nominate a time to present to the council's hearings committee, when residents can address Andrew Eaglen and councillors Callum Blair, Heather Brown, Wyn Hoadley, Gary Holmes, Mike Tafua and the mayor, George Wood. These hearings will be held during May.
Any changes will be reflected in the final, approved plan for the year 2003/04, which will be adopted on July 1.
The public has the opportunity to hear about the draft plan at one of four meetings to be held in the city over the next two weeks.
Meetings will be held at Birkenhead Area Office, Hinemoa St, Birkenhead on April 2; Devonport Area Office, 3 Victoria Rd, Devonport on April 3; and East Coast Bays Area Office, 2 Glen Rd, Browns Bay on April 9. (The first meeting was held at Takapuna Area office last Thursday.) All meetings start at 7.30pm.
For information about the
draft annual plan and North Shore City's elected members,
people are invited to visit the council's website,