New i-SITE for Takapuna
New i-SITE for Takapuna
Visitors to North Shore City now have two newly-branded information centres to choose from when they want information about where to go and what to see in the city.
The city's two tourist centres, known as Visitor Information Centres, have now been re-branded with the nationally recognised "i-SITE" brand, and they expect to be even busier as their services are better promoted and used.
Following Devonport's accreditation late last year, the Takapuna Visitor Information Centre has now obtained accreditation to be re-branded with the distinctive and eye-catching i-SITE brand from Tourism New Zealand, which upholds high standards of service.
North Shore City customer services manager, Bette English, says the new signage placed on the Takapuna and Devonport centres will help create a clear path for residents and visitors to New Zealand who are searching for accurate and relevant information.
And George Hickton, chief executive of Tourism New Zealand, says New Zealand has come a long way since the first visitor information centres were set up, and this rebrand is well overdue. "The visitor information network has had the same brand since it was set up by the New Zealand Publicity Department in 1990," he says.
"The new brand should create consistency in New Zealand's tourism activity, which will have a benefit for the country as a tourism destination", says Mr Hickton.
The i-SITE visitor centres use the internationally recognised 'i' symbol and the silver fern elements in a modern and efficient way, he says.
Ms English says the centres have always been part of the Visitor Information Network, but now both Devonport and Takapuna Centres are accredited i-SITEs.
"We're able to assist with accommodation and bookings for all forms of travel, except air travel, not only in North Shore City, but also throughout New Zealand," she says.
North Shore City's Visitor Information Centres provide other services to the more than 75,000 people who visited the city's two centres during the 2001/02 year (July 2001 to June 2002) to get information on sightseeing, walks, activities, events, business locations, accommodation, restaurants and shopping in North Shore City. There is also extensive information available about other New Zealand destinations.
Both offices are open seven days a week, to offer an outstanding service to both residents and visitors. In fact, they are open every single day except for Christmas Day.
The centres offer a booking and vouchering service for accommodation, both within North Shore City, and New Zealand-wide. The North Shore Visitor Information Centre also produces the What's On leaflet, detailing activities and events within the city. People are invited to check out the Exploring the Shore page at