Residents' Group 1st AGM
Residents' Group 1st AGM
Registered members and Raumati South residents intending to register as members, are invited to attend the 1st A.G.M. on the 24th
August 2003 at the Valhalla building 39 Poplar Avenue.
The meeting will be chaired by Raumati South Resident, Guy Weaver. Elections will be held for a working committee. The steering committee will present a recommended structure, constitution and results of the resident's survey. Updates on local issues will be reported. The response to the Group has been phenomenal , and with more than 100 residents already registered demonstrates a real depth of interest and concern among Raumati South residents . The steering committee had a very successful meeting with Sharon Foss, coordinator of the Choosing Futures Programme for KCDC and the Group has worked with residents to make their views known to council through the community plan process.
Working together to "Preserve and Advance the Interests of Raumati South" is the group's mission statement.
Email or make contact on 905
2010 Registration forms available at the meeting or at
Raumati South Foodmarket 32 Poplar