Community initiative revitalising local stream
Community initiative revitalising local stream
After years of neglect, a community initiative supported by the North Shore City Council will breathe new life into the Centorian Reserve stream in Windsor Park.
Concerned about the state of the stream, Mairangi Bay resident, Alan McPike, contacted the council to share his ideas for restoring the area that for about 18 years has been barren of shade and native plants.
"Centorian Reserve has a playground and is frequently used by families, but the stream and the area around it has looked lifeless for a long time. While a few families have planted native plants along the banks, they have been quickly overgrown by Kikuyu and other weeds," says Mr McPike.
"The area is difficult to maintain and the stream is fairly long - I recognised that a major initiative was needed to really make a difference."
Delighted to hear Mr McPike's plans for creating a habitat that will attract native birds and improve stream life, the council organised a planting day to involve the community in the restoration project.
North Shore City's environmental education co-ordinator, Sarah Yarrow, says there was a great response with around 25 adults and children turning up to plant 200 native shrubs and trees supplied by the council.
"Everyone who turned up expressed an interest in continuing to work with us to achieve Alan's plans for restoring the 350-metre stream and the surrounding area over the next few years," says Ms Yarrow.
"Our council will provide plants, prepare the area for planting and assist with the maintenance of the planted areas while the community will do the actual planting."
North Shore City's works and environment committee chairperson, Joel Cayford, says the council is committed to providing an environment that everyone can enjoy, but relies on the community also playing its part.
"Our aim is to create and maintain a natural environment that enhances quality of life so that generations can enjoy our city for years to come. It is essential that we work together to achieve this," says Councillor Cayford.
"Where the community has indicated an interest in taking action for the benefit of the environment we will look at ways of supporting them. We encourage people to contact us with their ideas."
The Centorian Reserve stream restoration project will be facilitated through the Wai Care programme, which provides community groups with resources to monitor and improve stream water quality.
public planting event will be held at Centorian Reserve
during Clean Up NZ week on Sunday, September 21 from 2 -
4pm. For more information about this event or Wai Care
people can contact Sarah Yarrow by calling North Shore
City's Actionline on 486 8600. >