CAN Cycle-Friendly Awards Finalists Announced
CAN Cycle-Friendly Awards Finalists
Finalists in the inaugural CAN Cycle-Friendly Awards have just been announced. The twelve projects include cycle racks for patrons at Sierra cafe in Takapuna, Christchurch City Council's Colombo St cycle lanes, National Bike Wise Week 2003, and a model cycling strategy developed by Environment Canterbury.
Devised by national organisation the Cycling Advocates Network and supported by SPARC, the CAN Cycle Friendly Awards are designed to acknowledge and celebrate some of the most notable achievements in the country that are helping to promote cycling and to create a cycle-friendly environment.
Nominations were called for in four categories: best cycle facility project, best cycling promotion, cycle-friendly commitment by a business and cycle-friendly commitment by a public organisation.
Sixteen nominations were received. One of the judges, CAN chairperson Jane Dawson, said they were pleased with the response in this first year of the awards. "We were impressed with the quality of the projects, and pleased that nominations came from all over the country" said Ms Dawson.
The final prize winners in each category
will be announced at the fourth NZ Cycling Conference on
October 10th. Winners will receive a certificate and an
appropriately designed trophy.