Anti MAF Propaganda Advertisement 7
See MAF's full page ad in NZ Herald Friday 5 December. This an alternative version:
MAF - it's
a bit
like a spray junkie.
There've been no moths found
nearly 8 months but
MAF keeps spraying.
The Painted Apple Moth campaign has been disruptive and devastating. MAF's mission to destroy the health and lives of as many as possible is almost complete.
The population's health is reduced a little more with each aerial operation. The numbers of adverse birth outcomes and birth defects in west Auckland keep rising.
MAF will never be able to confidently say they've won their huge, expensive PR battle. As long as they keep aerial spraying there will always be more skirmishes yet to come.
For the past 29 weeks MAF has only caught a few sterile, irradiated moths in its monitoring traps around Auckland.
There is no proof that the decline in painted apple moths is a result of the spraying. It could've been the cold winter temperatures or the sterile moths. MAF will never know. But they're going to keep on aerial spraying anyway to treat sites where nothing is being found.
The importance of spending $90 million of our money in getting rid of this minor, wattle loving pest at the expense of so much human suffering will never be understood here or around the world.
We are pretty close to losing patience entirely.
The sooner we wipe MAF out the better.
Protect New Zealanders - The sooner we get aerial spraying stopped the better.
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