ARC wants its POUND OF FLESH - now or else!
ARC wants its POUND OF FLESH - now or else!
Attached is an open letter sent to ARC (12 Feb) in response to the shocking 2nd reminder letter that was posted to ratepayers this week. The letter disregards due process by not informing ratepayers that another letter will be posted out and implying that this letter is final (I have been told the third letter will be posted around the 17 Feb). ARC Councillor Sandra Coney has sent an early reply.
ARC's letter threatened action by accessing mortgage accounts for unpaid rates to pay arrears within a week of the date on the letter i.e. 4 Feb. although I received mine on the 12 Feb. A telephone call to the Rates Contact Centre revealed that public panic had erupted - it can be assumed that the public are being frightened into ARC's 'pay up or else' tactics.
One has to wonder - Do the majority of ARC councillors and Council executives believe they are a people friendly council as they scare vulnerable people who are stand up for their rights - those who are elderly, on fixed incomes, families with children struggling with mortgage repayments, workers trying to afford a roof over their heads? Democratic values are based on giving people a real voice in the way they want their community to function - for themselves and future generations, but maybe...we're kidding ourselves ...and maybe....just maybe, Gestapo tactics are creeping back into political fashion.
Elaine West
Spokesperson: Auckland City Residents and Ratepayers