Public feedback sought regional civil defence plan
Public feedback sought on regional civil defence plan
How well can the Auckland region cope in the event of a civil emergency like an earthquake or major power outage? As a region, do we have the ability to effectively and efficiently manage hazards and risks during an emergency? What can be done now to better prepare Aucklanders?
These are some of the issues addressed in the Draft Civil Defence Emergency Management Plan, which has been released for public comment and feedback.
The Draft Plan, which has been prepared by the Auckland Civil Defence and Emergency Management Group, aims to provide the framework to guide various agencies in both planning for emergency’s, and how to cope when one occurs.
It includes: Strengthening relationships between agencies involved in civil defence emergency management; Encouraging co-operative planning and action between the various emergency management agencies and the community; Seeking commitment to deliver more effective civil defence emergency management through risk reduction, readiness, response and recovery.
“Working together is a key part of the Draft Plan,” says Neil Morrison, Chair of the Auckland Region Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Committee. “The recent state of emergency declared in Manawatu has illustrated to the public, and to those involved with management, how important a co-ordinated approach is. The success of this Plan lies in all agencies and people working together so that we are collectively much better equipped to handle any type of emergency in the region.”
The Draft Plan is open to public submissions from Wednesday 17 March to Friday 30 April. Anyone may make a submission on the Draft Plan, or on any other relevant civil defence emergency management matters.
Copies are available from the Auckland Regional Council, ph 09 366 2000; or the head offices of city and district council’s throughout the region, or via the internet:
About the CDEM Group Committee
Auckland Region Civil Defence Emergency Management Group was established in May 2003 and is made up of representatives of the Auckland Regional Council, all city and district councils in the Auckland region, representatives of emergency services and district health boards.
The Group’s role is to provide a co-ordinated and
integrated approach to the way significant risks and hazards
are managed in the region.